Hen has a broken beak, what do I do?


In the Brooder
Mar 21, 2023
Long Island, New York
The top of her beak has a small crack but when she tries to peck to eat the top cover of her beak starts to fall off and then she refuses to eat or drink again. I pushed it back into its place to keep dirt and debris from falling in and getting infected but how should I clean and treat this? Currently she seems a bit lethargic and is standing in a corner. What should I do ?


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I'd recommend searching on here for other "broken beak" threads in the Emergency Forum, and see what folks recommend. Far as I know, just let the beak fall off, and it will eventually grow back. If it's still attached to her skin, it may need to be clipped off so it doesn't hang up on things and pull on her skin. You can put some medicine like Neosporin on the beak, be aware it will collect dust. Other meds may be okay, I don't personally know, but you can't go wrong with a topical antibiotic. She may not even need medicine, mine usually heal up fine from most wounds, but I feel better putting it on.

You can isolate her within sight of her flock to ensure no one bullies her/pecks her injury. Also this will help you monitor her food and water intake. (Dog crate within covered run is my go-to). For food, you can give Nutridrench to give her energy and stimulate appetite. Sounds like she's in a lot of pain. Moisten her food so it's like applesauce consistency and serve in a deep bowl so she can fill her beak without pecking anything. Water in crumble works well for this, or you can add a bit of yogurt with probiotics if desired. Just have to keep her eating and hydrated in spite of the pain. Also, deep dish of water at a good height so she can drink without pecking things or getting it full of shavings.

Good luck! Injuries like these happen pretty often, and the birds are usually just fine. The beak will grow back in about a month.

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