Hen has gone broody again


9 Years
Dec 17, 2014
Rough and Ready, California
I am wondering about my EE hen that has gone broody again. It's only been 12 weeks since she hatch some chicks. Is that normal? Can I let her go ahead and set on eggs again without stressing her too much?
I had a hen hatch chicks on June 19th and she just went broody 2 days ago and I'm going to let her hatch agai.
I worry about this hen tho, because she was never totally accepted back by the others when she was put back with the flock. She is kinda a loner now. And, she got pretty thin when she was setting before, I just worry if she will have enough stamina. I did let her raise the chicks until they were fully feathered also. To start setting so soon again tho... I didn't know they could do that. She's my current favorite hen and didn't want to stress her out unnecessarily. Thanks, Top Rooster.
I had one go broody within two months of hatching her first batch this summer. She raised her first ones for about 8 weeks. I trusted that it gave her a chance to rebuild her body fat enough for the second round. She did just fine. Unfortunately, she and her chicks were killed by a predator 3 days after they hatched.
If you worry about problems than just break her broodiness.
Top Rooster... I did that with two hens that went broody at the same time about a year and a half ago... I wasn't ready for them to set... and, they never went broody again. I really wanted at least one hen that would go broody so I am hesitant to do that to this hen... she is a such good mother too. I think I am going to put some eggs under her and just let her do her thing.
I had one go broody within two months of hatching her first batch this summer. She raised her first ones for about 8 weeks. I trusted that it gave her a chance to rebuild her body fat enough for the second round. She did just fine. Unfortunately, she and her chicks were killed by a predator 3 days after they hatched.
bobbi-j, this particular hen had 5 chicks and somehow a predator got in and killed-took 3 of the chicks about 3 days later. I was devastated to say the least! However, she was able to protect the two remaining chicks.

After that happened, I brought them inside every night for two weeks until I was able to build a very secure predator proof enclosure for them. Momma was not happy about the nightly routine but at least it saved her and the remaining chicks from that predator.

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