Hen humping Hens!


Oct 15, 2020
Hello, DaisyBuff Here. I have 6 chickens, 5 RIRs, and A Buff Orpingon named Daisy. Hailey is my Top Hen ( RIR ) She is #1 in the pecking order. When I let my Girls out to free range, Hailey will hump the other RIR hens! All the Rhode Islands are 10 months old. Daisy turned 1 year on the first day of spring, Hailey will not hump Daisy though, but I can tell that they get along good and stick with each other when free ranging. Hailey is mainly after a hen named Autumn # 5 pecking order. Calling Hailey a Roo is out of the question, she lays eggs. What is causing her to do this? She often does this when free ranging. Picture of Hailey Below, ( picture not recent ) Second picture to the right is the hen she is humping. Sorry for poor picture quality Phone camera does not take a sharp picture.

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Hello, DaisyBuff Here. I have 6 chickens, 5 RIRs, and A Buff Orpingon named Daisy. Hailey is my Top Hen ( RIR ) She is #1 in the pecking order. When I let my Girls out to free range, Hailey will hump the other RIR hens! All the Rhode Islands are 10 months old. Daisy turned 1 year on the first day of spring, Hailey will not hump Daisy though, but I can tell that they get along good and stick with each other when free ranging. Hailey is mainly after a hen named Autumn # 5 pecking order. Calling Hailey a Roo is out of the question, she lays eggs. What is causing her to do this? She often does this when free ranging. Picture of Hailey Below, ( picture not recent ) Second picture to the left is the hen she is humping. Sorry for poor picture quality Phone camera does not take a sharp picture.

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i think she’s just showing dominance?
i think she’s just showing dominance?
I thought about that, I would post a video but I do not know how. Autumn is not a fighting hen she is sweet as ever, and a bit low in the pecking order to fight for dominance. I have seen Spice and Daisy fight for dominance, and I do not really think they are fighting for dominance. She has been doing this for about a week.
My BA squatted in front the the head hen GLW and the head hen started kind of scratching her on her back. Not mounting her, just kind of of kicking her from the ground. Not in a mean or ugly way but like a Yeah, that's right I'm Head Hen in Charge kind of way.
I have had my chickens for almost a year now and my New Hampshire red chicken named New Hampshire started to pluck out all of my other girls feathers. That's mostly over now but she is actually now "mounting" only one of my other hens. Her name is Penny and her head is almost completely bald now because of the other girls picking on her. She is the bottom of the pecking order and she doesn't fight back to anyone including New Hampshire. The mounting is becoming a problem now because I'm afraid shes going to get hurt. What do I do to get her to stop mounting penny?

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