Hen injured in a hawk Attack 9 days ago won't eat


Jul 13, 2022
Barton Ohio
My baby was brutally attacked by a hawk Monday made a week. She has her good days and her bad days recently infection had set in that is what I'm dealing with currently. Ever since the attack she will not eat anything! I want sure what to feed her so I've been giving her baby food like sweet pot, pumpkin and so on. The only way she will eat is me feeding her through a needles syringe. I just recently got her to drink liquids out of a little cap. I don't know what else to do for her I'm scared to death everyday she's going to die. She's very lethargic all she does is sleep I literally give her a little bit of sugar water just to keep her up I tried to talk to her or try to you know anything to get her alert and she just falls asleep. So currently she's eating once or twice a day and it's baby. Baby food and she's drinking a few times a day I don't know if what kind of schedule to set her on I don't know how many times a day I should be giving her water how many times a day I should be given her food I don't know I don't know what the hell I'm doing I'm getting contact with the vet locally they are going to squeeze her in tomorrow but they said basically I'm doing everything that I could for her and that's all the information they could give me if anybody's had any experience with their hand getting attacked by a hawk and living and then I'm not eating I would appreciate something I don't know what else to do for her I feel like
I don’t know much about chickens, but just wanted to say sorry for what you’re going through. I think it’s a good thing she’s eating, even if just a little. I hope she recovers soon. 😔
Are there any wounds or injuries? If so can you take pictures so we can tell you how to care for them? Basically any open wounds need to be gently washed out and then coated with triple antibiotic ointment like Neosporin so they don't dry out. Be sure to use Original Neosporin that does not have pain reliever in it. If any wounds smell bad and you think they are infected, she needs to be on an antibiotic. @Eggcessive or @azygous can tell you more about those. I'm sorry she's hurt but you may be able to pull her through.
Take some of her regular chicken food and get it wet and soupy with warm water and see if she will eat that. She needs the nourishment it will give her. You might also see if she will eat some egg yolk from a boiled egg, mash it up for her.
My sense of this, and I need to use my intuition here since you haven't posted photos, is that your chicken is dying. It's been this long now without improvement and the chicken is not eating or drinking on its own. The lethargy and closed eyes further indicate death is very close.

Unless wounds and associated shock are treated immediately and an antibiotic is also started very soon to head off infection from deep penetrating wounds, it's infection and probably shock that will kill.

At this stage, and since you have the vet appointment, I would suggest you let the vet take a look, but be open to permit them to euthanize. The vet may suggest putting your chicken on an IV antibiotic with fluids, but prepare for the treatment to be expensive, and it may not be in time to save the patient.
I wish I knew what to do to help, but I really don't what to do that your not already doing. My Fancy (white crested black polish) was killed by a hawk a few weeks ago. I hope your hen recovers.
Monday made a week since she was attacked the hawk pecked all the skin off her left side of her face I originally thought she lost her left eye but she opened it up abd shd can see she does have a puncture wound on the left side of her neck she is very lucky that it didn't knick anything major. right after the attack

I cleaned the wounds with povidone -iodine I diluted it a little bit and I managed to put Neosporin into the wound it's in a tough spot so I didn't dress the wound but it hasn't smelled or looked bad I clean her neck 3 times a day and pack it with Neosporin.

As of today the puncture wound is closed up her own body closed it but im still continuing to clean it and put Neosporin on in. Her left side of her face she was skinned I cleaned it with iodine the first 3 days then I've been cleaning it with saline spray.

He right eye had been pecked and I originally thought that eye was gone as well but it's there and she has opened it and can see out of it. However she did lose her left ear I left it hanging there but it's starting to srink up
Her are her wounds this was a few days after the attack. I didn't get a picture of her neck this is the worst side this is her left side
I don’t know much about chickens, but just wanted to say sorry for what you’re going through. I think it’s a good thing she’s eating, even if just a little. I hope she recovers soon. 😔
Thank you it's been super stressful and traumatic


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