Hen looking a little low and slow


Sep 5, 2021
Northwest Washington, USA (near Seattle)
My almost four year old speckled Sussex hen is looking a little bit lethargic. Might just be an off day, but just in case could someone give me a brief list of what could be up with her? I don’t remember all the stuff that can be wrong with chickens as well as I used to :oops:
Do you have photos of her and her poop?

When was her last egg?

I'd check her over for lice/mites, make sure her crop is emptying overnight.

If she normally lays eggs and hasn't, then I'd get extra Calcium into her for several days to see if that helps, she may be having a hard time expelling an egg.
You can find Calcium Citrate with D3 at Walmart, CVS, etc. Just pop 1 tablet into her beak and let her swallow.

Work on getting her hydrated, then offer some food to see if she'll eat.
I went and checked her crop and she seemed totally fine. I’ll keep an eye on her though. I don’t know when her last egg was or what her poops look like (too many chickens to tell without effort ) but I can look tomorrow. I’ll also check her for mites and lice.

For some background information she was attacked by and eagle last year and had a 5x3 inch hole in her side torn open and a hole straight through her esophagus so that food would come out when she ate. She healed completely (after an expensive vet trip and stitches) but she’s hasn’t been quite right ever since.

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