
5 Years
Jun 23, 2016
New Jersey
I currently have three hens and all of them molted about the same time in September or October. All of them lost feathers, but my girl Florence lost the most. About 3 weeks ago, I took a short trip for about 5 days and had a friend watch my birds. She didn't let them out at all during that time because she was nervous about predators and getting them to go back inside. When I came back, I noticed that Florence had lost nearly all of her feathers around her neck and my other two birds were pecking her constantly. I figured that they were bored from being cooped up for so long and had pecked at Florence out of boredom. There was no blood and she didn't seem afraid of them so I didn't separate her, just added a hanging cabbage and some other treats and began letting them out everyday again for long periods of time. The pecking still happens occasionally, but less frequently now. I also have never seen any of my other birds actually pull out a feather.

It seemed like the issue was resolved and she was growing back all of her neck feathers, but now she's losing them on her back, just like she would during molting. I think this is very strange as she has already molted this season and it's late in winter. I checked her for any mites or lice but didn't see any. Is this normal? Should I be concerned? She's an orpington and about two years old, as are my other birds. Could there be something else going on? I figure if they are pecking her feathers out I don't think they'd slowly work their way down her back, but maybe? Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated!

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