Hen not sitting on last egg


Aug 15, 2022
Alright chciken fam extreme newbie here

I have hatched 6 out of 11 eggs so far... 2 passed in shell 2 passed after hatching. My hen had 2 eggs left today 1 of them clearly had passed having a small crack on the outside of the egg with dark veins in that area that looked broken, no movement, never internally pipped, and clear reddish liquid filling up the bottom of the egg where the chick was at. So now she has 1 single egg left but she's more concerned about her actual chicks now than sitting on the egg. I honestly wasn't going to give it much hope but I kept it warm and humid to the best of my ability without a proper incubator and I'm still seeing movement. Should I just leave it alone in my diy incubator and see what happens or can I out the egg back under mother hen at night so it's getting proper heat? I don't want her to crack this one open either though
It definitely is behind on development as well it appears in still not super hopeful but I want to give it a chance
The broody needs to be out and about with her chicks. When hatching eggs, they should all be set the same day, so hopefully all will have hatched within a day or two. Once day 2 comes along, I like to let them out to forage when the hen wants to. I would try to incubate it or keep it warm. Then if it does hatch, slip it under the broody at dark, and hope that she cares for it.
Best to try to incubate it in your homemade incubator. Hens are biologically programmed to leave the nest within 24 to 36 hours after the first chick hatches so that they can have access to food and water. Staggered hatches are always problematic.
Yeah I think that was my mistake especially with the other 2 that passed i think she wasnt sitting on them well enough and even though they hatched they were not ready... Okay I'm just gonna leave it be and cross my fingers and hope for the best thank you I'll update if it hatches :)

She has accepted 1 foster baby already so I'm hopeful that she'll accept it if it does hatch

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