Hen or Roo?


Apr 9, 2022
Western Mass
Hello good folks,

I purchased 8 sexed females together, mixed breed birds, and one is a stand-out for "her" enormous comb and wattle. "She" has had a bold personality from the beginning. Sold as a mixed breed F1 or F2 "Olive Egger" from MyPetChicken, s/he looks to have Black Copper Marans and Creme Legbar, and something else.
17 weeks old. Sorry I couldn't get a good shot of raised tail feathers, but they're honestly nothing to write home about, they seem the same size as the others. Size is not especially big either.

What do you think.
Hen or roo?



For comparison, here is my other Olive Egger. Same age. Her comb and wattle are typical of the rest of my mixed flock:
It sounds like the consensus is a pullet! YAYYY!!! :celebrate

Thank you all! I'm so glad not to have to re-home our "Tufty."...

And here's a shot of her well-rounded saddle feathers. They're all asleep in their coop at the moment of course, but I think you can see them pretty well here.
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I thought I'd follow up to confirm the early maturing pullet determination. YES. She was our first bird to lay! Very early maturing compared to the rest of our flock, which took weeks more to lay. She layed two months ago, and we're still waiting on a couple of our girls.

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