Hen picking on her 2 chicks!

Darren Leonard

In the Brooder
Nov 11, 2018
My broody hen hatched out a chick the other day and I decided I was going to buy more for her to adopt. She took them fine and now I have her in a big chicken tractor with 5 chicks. The chicks I bought were 2 weeks old so they're a little bit older than her chick. She took 2 of them fine but she seems to be leaving 2 behind and when I move them over to her she pecks their necks. When she moves away they dont know what to do they just dont move at all. Help!
I would remove the other chicks and care for them because she can either seriously injure them or kill them. She most likely won't accept those two no matter how hard you try, there must be something about them that makes her not want them... Maybe they're not moving because they know she will peck them so not moving keeps them safe.

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