
Smothered in Feathers
11 Years
May 14, 2013
Central, PA
It's getting to be that time of year where breeding pens are getting set up and roosters and toms are starting to get excited. I make sturdy hen saddles that are patterned cotton on top and denim on the bottom. They're designed to be comfortable for the ladies and strong enough to stand up to the boys. I make every size from XS bantam to XL broad breasted turkey. Here's a link to my Etsy shop.
One Mountain Acres Etsy Shop




I bought one of your saddles on Etsy last year just to keep around in case I needed it!! And now I do, and it fits my buff orpington so nicely... not sure what it is about her but those boys sure do like her. She doesn't seem to mind it at all. I was doing a search about saddles to see how often I should be taking it off her (at night, or every so often to check her out, etc) and whether it's OK to leave it on when it's very cold or if it will keep her back feathers from fluffing up properly and make her colder? Classic overthinking!
I bought one of your saddles on Etsy last year just to keep around in case I needed it!! And now I do, and it fits my buff orpington so nicely... not sure what it is about her but those boys sure do like her. She doesn't seem to mind it at all. I was doing a search about saddles to see how often I should be taking it off her (at night, or every so often to check her out, etc) and whether it's OK to leave it on when it's very cold or if it will keep her back feathers from fluffing up properly and make her colder? Classic overthinking!

I'm glad it's working well for you/her! As far as taking it off, you don't need to take it off at night. I have some hens that need to wear them year round (turkeys mostly) just because they're so loved by the boys lol. I've never noticed any issues with fluffing up or keeping warm.

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