Hen sitting rather than foraging for free range time.


Mar 2, 2021
The Wild Wild Wild Wild Wild West
My Coop
My Coop
As far as I can see, eating and drinking is normal. She's about 2 years old. She's laying regularly. I believe she just started molting. No bumblefoot or visible injuries, crop is normal and not egg-bound as far as I could feel. No odd smells.
However, she is the top of the pecking order. She guides the flock around. Today though, I noticed whenever I saw her she was sitting in the shade under a tree. She's a skittish girl and doesn't usually let me hold her for long. Today I went to her, she stood up, but didn't go anywhere. She sat in my lap for some time and did not wiggle when I checked for injuries. I eventually took her off of me and made her run a lap around the coop. She didn't stumble at any time but when we stopped she sat right back down.
Any Ideas at why she might be significantly less active than usual?
As far as I can see, eating and drinking is normal. She's about 2 years old. She's laying regularly. I believe she just started molting. No bumblefoot or visible injuries, crop is normal and not egg-bound as far as I could feel. No odd smells.
However, she is the top of the pecking order. She guides the flock around. Today though, I noticed whenever I saw her she was sitting in the shade under a tree. She's a skittish girl and doesn't usually let me hold her for long. Today I went to her, she stood up, but didn't go anywhere. She sat in my lap for some time and did not wiggle when I checked for injuries. I eventually took her off of me and made her run a lap around the coop. She didn't stumble at any time but when we stopped she sat right back down.
Any Ideas at why she might be significantly less active than usual?
Photos of her and her poop?

I would not force her to run a lap around the coop again. If she's not well, this will not help.

She's eating/drinking as normal. She's 2 years old.
She's laying regularly.

You think she's starting to molt - is she? You've looked her over, do you see pin feathers coming in?
When you examined her - did you see lice or mites?

What's your weather like - is it hot?

If she's starting to molt, then her production (egg laying) may slow down or stop. Sometimes when in molt, birds become more standoffish because likely they just don't feel all that well.

Monitor her for a few days, see if she's continuing to eat/drink, that her crop is emptying and that she's not having trouble pooping. She may just be taking a much needed break.
Photos of her and her poop?
Note: today her poop was not normal, if you can't see in the picture it is discolored, white, and runny.
Here she is under an unused trailor

I would not force her to run a lap around the coop again. If she's not well, this will not help.

She's eating/drinking as normal. She's 2 years old.
She's laying regularly.
Update: she didn't lay last night, and this morning she didn't get up to eat and drink.
You think she's starting to molt - is she? You've looked her over, do you see pin feathers coming in?
THere are some coming in on her chest.
When you examined her - did you see lice or mites?
No, we sprayed for mites a few months ago and got rid of them all. I checked just in case but still no.
What's your weather like - is it hot?
80's are our highs and 50s are our lows. It's been lightly rainy recently. In summer it's usually 90-100 highs and 65-70 lows (we are in utah)
If she's starting to molt, then her production (egg laying) may slow down or stop. Sometimes when in molt, birds become more standoffish because likely they just don't feel all that well.

Monitor her for a few days, see if she's continuing to eat/drink, that her crop is emptying and that she's not having trouble pooping. She may just be taking a much needed break.
Update again: today was much, much worse than yesterday. She stayed under the old truck all day. As far as I could see she did not get up once for food and water. I put food and water within reach of her sitting position. She did not eat. She didn't bother to climb up the ramp into the coop tonight, I had to lift her. At least yesterday she ate, drank and went up the ramp. Today, she didn't do a thing.
If she's not drinking, then you'll want to work on that. Hold a cup of water up to her beak to see if she can drink on her own. If not, then you can tube or syringe fluids into her. Having a helper to do this would be a very good idea.

I'd be inclined to get some extra Calcium into her for a few days just in case she's having a hard time expelling an egg. You can find Calcium Citrate with D3 at Walmart, CVS, etc. Aim on giving her 600mg daily, just pop the tablet into her beak and let her swallow.

Make sure her crop is emptying overnight.
I've made an oversight.
Bash me all you want.
I did another inspection of her feathers and was intrigued by what looked like dust on the tailfeathers near her vent. I tried to brush it off and it stuck.
I wet her feathers to try again, and the skin around the vent became visible (She's got really poofy tail feathers) I noticed these tiny little dots... that were moving. These were even smaller than the mites I had in the coop. I'm suprised I can see them.
Thank goodness we already have permethrin, I will be checking the other girls.
Ugh, I could have sworn they were all gone, but these seem like a new kind. they're smaller and darker.
Update: Today we saw progress :)
We placed her in a shady area where we can watch her. Her food and water are nearby. She's started eating and drinking. I'll get calcium as soon as I can.
Is it okay that she doesn't have to get up in order to eat? like is it okay to gain those calories without using them?

I've made an oversight.
Bash me all you want.
I did another inspection of her feathers and was intrigued by what looked like dust on the tailfeathers near her vent. I tried to brush it off and it stuck.
I wet her feathers to try again, and the skin around the vent became visible (She's got really poofy tail feathers) I noticed these tiny little dots... that were moving. These were even smaller than the mites I had in the coop. I'm suprised I can see them.
Thank goodness we already have permethrin, I will be checking the other girls.
Ugh, I could have sworn they were all gone, but these seem like a new kind. they're smaller and darker.
The mites are probably dragging her down if you are seeing them on her during the day.
Re-treat her, the other birds and your housing.

I like to use Permethrin dust on the birds. I put the dust in a sock, then use it like a powder puff to "powder" the birds making sure to work the powder all the way to the skin. I dust the birds all over.

For housing, I use the spray. Don't forget roosting bars and nesting boxes.

Repeat treating birds and houses in 5-7 day intervals. It will take several repeats to get rid of them.

For your hen. Yes, if she will eat and drink sitting down, then let her. She's needs hydration and nutrients. If you have poultry vitamins I'd dose her a few times a week to help give her a boost.

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