Hen Vanished (Florida)


In the Brooder
Feb 18, 2023
A few days ago, my littlest hen, a barred rock, disappeared without a trace. They were all freeranging in my garden by the raised beds that morning and, when I went back to check on them, all the others were in the coop but one. I looked everywhere for her even though she’s not a wanderer and even shook the mealworm bag for her to come but nothing. They often go back to the coop when they get bored of the garden and there’s no signs of a disturbance or attack.

We do have hawks in the area but the crows had been keeping them at bay. Can a hawk have grabbed her without a trace? I always thought they would leave some feathers or I’d have heard a commotion.

Other predators in the area could be a possum? No raccoons that I know of, coyotes are very rare in the area but they are out in the more rural areas (I’m in a more residential area but with acreage), and there are also stray dogs and cats. I myself have cats but my cats are more terrified of the hens after an incident with a broody than anything. One of my cats was also sleeping on the front stoop near the garden area undisturbed and she’s scared of her own shadow.

We live on a spring-fed lake and, while possible, there have never been any gators in it for as long as the property has been in my family (since the 70s) because the water runs too cold.

There are also bunnies in the area but I’ve not heard or read of bunnies attacking chickens even though some would say they are ferocious beasts who have large teeth and leap about. I’ve also joked that it may also be my broody hen in the coop with an infertile egg because I told her we can’t have any babies since we don’t have the room.

(Joking keeps me from crying about my loss too much.)

Some other theories are that someone nabbed her but she is fast and she barely let me hold her without squawking loudly.

Any thoughts?

I’ve grounded the others from free ranging for now unless I’m out in the garden myself and am going to setup a “chunnel” around the garden so they can at least explore outside their run a little more safely.


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More times than I can count, when we have a story like yours here on BYC, the chicken turns up. It's also happened to me more times than I can count where a predator came around and a chicken went missing. Most of the time, I found the missing chicken, and once it was four baby chicks that had managed to panic themselves farther from the run than I had expected. I had discovered them crammed in a small space behind some barrels of firewood on my front porch.

So go looking. Check in small spaces between stuff, check up in the trees, look behind things. You have a good chance of finding her.
More times than I can count, when we have a story like yours here on BYC, the chicken turns up. It's also happened to me more times than I can count where a predator came around and a chicken went missing. Most of the time, I found the missing chicken, and once it was four baby chicks that had managed to panic themselves farther from the run than I had expected. I had discovered them crammed in a small space behind some barrels of firewood on my front porch.

So go looking. Check in small spaces between stuff, check up in the trees, look behind things. You have a good chance of finding her.
Thank you! I’ll try to hold on to the hope and keep looking for her.

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