Hen walking funny, poopy butt


In the Brooder
Jun 16, 2023
Can anyone tell me what might be wrong with my Sweetie? She is a barred rock just over a year old. For a couple of days her back feathers were dirty and she walked a little funny — very slowly and gingerly. I cannot tell if she’s been laying (not sure which eggs are hers) but she is eating and drinking normally. Tonight I gave her a warm bath to wash the feathers and noticed that her butt is red, bulging and swollen. It reminds me of diaper rash. I did not see any bugs or mites, and nothing wrong with her feet. Could not get all the poop off, so we did the best we could. Had to throw scraps directly on the ground to get her to come over and eat, she was so mad at me!!
Now after the bath she is breathing a little hard…not panting. Every so often her eyes are closing while she’s standing up. She’ll close them for a few seconds, then peck around like normal. She had runny poo as well. We aren’t able to take her to a vet so I’m trying to treat at home.
Sorry for the gross pics, I’m hoping they’ll help to identify the problem.


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Have you seen anyone pecking at her bottom? Her poop look a bit yellow like some might with a reproductive infection. Her lower abdomen is enlarged. She may have egg yolk peritonitis, salpingitis or ascites (water belly,) but hard to know for sure. Vent gleet should be ruled out with the excoriated raw area under the vent. Will she take any water with electrolytes or sugar water? Had she been eating her chicken feed earlier before the scraps after her soak? How does she crop feel, and can you feel of it early in the morning before she eats or drinks to let us know if it is emptying overnight. If she has ascites (water belly,) that can make her have labored breathing.
Have you seen anyone pecking at her bottom? Her poop look a bit yellow like some might with a reproductive infection. Her lower abdomen is enlarged. She may have egg yolk peritonitis, salpingitis or ascites (water belly,) but hard to know for sure. Vent gleet should be ruled out with the excoriated raw area under the vent. Will she take any water with electrolytes or sugar water? Had she been eating her chicken feed earlier before the scraps after her soak? How does she crop feel, and can you feel of it early in the morning before she eats or drinks to let us know if it is emptying overnight. If she has ascites (water belly,) that can make her have labored breathing.
May I join this thread? I have a hen with the same symptoms. At first I thought it was egg bound. I gave her extra calcium and a 20 min Epsom salt Bath - which she enjoyed, lol. She is eating and drinking as normal. Not laying that i can tell. When i put her on her back to examine her belly, she did start labored breathing. The belly is like a ballon. I saw you mention in another thread the the fluid could be relieved. How wpuld i do that? Like needle aspiration? Thanks for your time.
May I join this thread? I have a hen with the same symptoms. At first I thought it was egg bound. I gave her extra calcium and a 20 min Epsom salt Bath - which she enjoyed, lol. She is eating and drinking as normal. Not laying that i can tell. When i put her on her back to examine her belly, she did start labored breathing. The belly is like a ballon. I saw you mention in another thread the the fluid could be relieved. How wpuld i do that? Like needle aspiration? Thanks for your time.
If she has ascites or water belly, that is eventually fatal. I have had several with that, although one never can be sure that it is fluid or a swollen abdomen from salpingitis or other reproductive issues or cancer. You can occasionally try and relieve the pressure by using an 18 gauge needle inserted into the abdomen after disinfecting the skin, to drain some fluid. Ascites fluid is always yellow, amber or darker in color. There is always a risk in draining which can cause infection or even death. In post 42 of the thread below, a hen is drained with a needle to show you pictures of what it looks like:
If she has ascites or water belly, that is eventually fatal. I have had several with that, although one never can be sure that it is fluid or a swollen abdomen from salpingitis or other reproductive issues or cancer. You can occasionally try and relieve the pressure by using an 18 gauge needle inserted into the abdomen after disinfecting the skin, to drain some fluid. Ascites fluid is always yellow, amber or darker in color. There is always a risk in draining which can cause infection or even death. In post 42 of the thread below, a hen is drained with a needle to show you pictures of what it looks like:
Thanks so much for your quick reply. I will follow the link. Perhaps it will relieve some pressure. It is so tight, I can't even palpatate it for an egg or ... I would say she is between 2-3 years old.

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