Hen Wheezing terribly!! I don't know what to do for her!!!


In the Brooder
7 Years
Jul 3, 2012
Ottawa, Ontario Canada
My Coop
My Coop
Just noticed one of our 2 yr old red sexlinks wheezing-just started.
she also has a terrible red skin issue- rash? or? I'm at a loss here!


**The red skin is brighter than the photos show- I have a couple of girls with missing feathers and this awful red skin

She has what is called stridor, and it could be that she has something in her airway, but also could be a respiratory illness. You can look inside the throat with a flashlight or head lamp for any yellow or grayish patches, or something blocking there. Check her crop for impaction. The feather issue looks little like lice eggs, but it isn't that plain to see. Feather picking aside from lice or mites can cause this. Here is a good link with pictures of lice eggs and treatment suggestions: http://www.the-chicken-chick.com/2012/08/poultry-lice-and-mites-identification.html

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