Hen with abcess (?)

Thanks Spydrworks. I got it from www.photobucket.com
I play violin and I thought he was cute too.

I wonder if my hens would like the music? Or run?

I'll have to find out.
thanks to everyone - Miss Orpington is doing well after 'surgery'. Sharisr wins the prize for correct diagnosis. Clearly a bacteria bubble once I got going with the lancing and the syringe.

I did try to isolate poor Miss Orpington but she made it clear she wasn't happy - she's back with the flock now and as chatty as ever.

thanks again for all the excellent advice

I am bringing in a younger chicken tonight because of her hock... she has had a small lump and limping... its gotten big within a day. I am thinking its an abscess now. Going to do what I need to do as far as antibiotics, hot compresses or lance if possible. Thanks for the posts, this relates to my problem.... I did have a question though... "what is cull" ?
Hi Danilou - I guess by now you've discovered that culling is removing the bird from the flock - permanently (in other words, killing it). Pretty much standard practice with the bigger flock owners, but difficult to contemplate for us backyard chicken people when our birds have names and are more like pets than livestock!
Cheers, Penny

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