Hen with poor vision


Aug 22, 2021
I have a very sweet Golden Wyandotte hen that seems to have poor vision. She is smaller than the rest and seems to have no depth perception when trying to eat. She doesn't act sickly and is always lovey, but she's having trouble finding her way back to the coop at night. When she does, she sleeps on the ground with the ducks instead of roosting. I'm concerned about what is causing this and would appreciate any suggestions on how to help her. I worry about her being eaten or not eating well enough herself.
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Can you post some photos of her eyes?
Do you notice anything unusual about them, have they turned a different color or shape - if possible take a look at previous photos taken of her and do a comparison?

How old is she?

What do you feed including treats?

I'm not sure what the solution would be for you. Did she used to roost?
You mention she can't find her way back to the coop at night - how late is the flock coming back in? If possible, call her back in earlier, offer her some feed/water to ensure she's got her crop filled, then place her on a roost? Not sure if she'll stay if the others aren't in, but may be worth a try if you can manage the time.
Lacey is around 5 months old. She ate flock raiser and is now on layer pellets. She gets scratch and occasionally we throw ruffage veggies, metalwork treats and oat balls their way. They have a pecking block. They usually make it back in by 8 or 9PM (it stays light late here) and they have an automatic door. I'm not sure she ever really roosted, maybe when she was a younger chick. She and some other chickens had a run in with an owl so I used to to think she was skittish from that but now the vision issues are apparent.


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She ate flock raiser and is now on layer pellets. She gets scratch and occasionally we throw ruffage veggies, metalwork treats and oat balls their way. They have a pecking block.
Lovely photo of you both!

To me her eyes look normal.
From what you say, it's possible she may have always had a bit of difficulty seeing(?) it's just now a bit more noticeable since she's lagging behind a bit.
Sometimes a bird can hatch blind or there's a developmental issue.

You may find that she will need supportive care - making sure she's getting to food/water, coming in earlier.
Folks do keep blind birds - they do make accommodations, keeping food/water in the same place and providing them with a secure place to sleep. She may not be able to see well enough to roost high, but she may do ok if you provide her a low shelf she can settle on at night.
She may see well enough and hear the flock to keep up with them during the day, but as time goes by, she may struggle more and need to be confined to a run so she's not separated. A bird that can't see well is going to rely heavily on the others, she may have a buddy/friend that sticks with her, you'll have to watch and see.
Are you from Wyoming, Michigan? :frow I get to that side of GR every now and then.

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