Hen with "spit" in eye??!!


In the Brooder
5 Years
Jun 17, 2014
West Michigan
I live Michigan and right now we are still in negative temps (over week straight and looks like it will be continuing).
I also woke up to an Easter egg hen with what I thought was no eyes, when I looked closer I did notice she thankfully had eyes but they have what looks like spit in her eyes. She also looks like she's missing feathers around her beak, neck and eyes and also what feathers are left look matted. I'm thinking she got pecked at some point (no blood) and is now hiding in a corner.
I have attached pictures to see what I'm talking about. I'm nervous of this "spit" freezing. Please help!!! Thank you!!


Her sinuses are swollen as well, I noticed in the last photo. She could have mycoplasmosis or a simple sinusitis (bacterial infection, non contagious). You need to separate her immediately and check others for symptoms. This is treated with Tylan 50, powder in her water or injectible solution.

I have a hen who has always been sensitive and sneezed her entire life (she's 8 now). After a fungal lung infection one weird summer that a few older hens and a rooster got, she developed bubbles in one eye. I called the state vet at the time and he told me it was a simple secondary bacterial infection post-fungal infection and to use Tylan injections in the breast muscle, that she was not contagious. He was 100% correct. She has had it a couple of times in the 3 years since then, but no one else has.
I wasn't out there too long as I was only planned to quickly check everyone (which we've never had a problem, yet) and to grab eggs. But I in the 10-15 mins I was she ate, drank and sat in the corner; no sneezing or wheezing. Can I buy Tylan 50 at local farm store?
I wasn't out there too long as I was only planned to quickly check everyone (which we've never had a problem, yet) and to grab eggs. But I in the 10-15 mins I was she ate, drank and sat in the corner; no sneezing or wheezing. Can I buy Tylan 50 at local farm store?

You should be able to get it at places like Tractor Supply or most feed stores, yes. They should also have needles and syringes. I have never used the powder, only injections, for my sinusitis gal. Tends to work better since you know exactly how much they're getting when you inject.
I was planning to inject so yes I know how much she's getting plus I don't have an extra heated waterer for her if I need to seperate! Thanks so much!
Oh do you have a recommended dosage?

For the injectible, you'd use 1/2 cc in the breast muscle once daily for about 5 days. Alternate sides so she doesn't get sore. I don't really know about the powder off hand, but I'm sure the dosage is here on BYC somewhere. It's the usual for respiratory stuff.

Just know if she has mycoplasmosis, that is permanent and makes her a carrier. If it's just a sinusitis infection due to circumstance, this should clear it up for good, or at least, she isn't a carrier of anything from it.
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