Hen with White Substance in Eye and Swollen

bleu chick

14 Years
Jun 8, 2009
Houston, TX
My hen was acting weird and hanging by herself away from the other hens but also her sister. She wasnt eating either. I picked her up and noticed her eye was very swollen and her was closed. A slight clear liquid discharge came out. I caged her and her sister so she would have company. I put her on tylosin and the swelling went down but her eye still remained closed. So I changed her over to Cipro drops. On the cipro drops she started to open her eye a bit but it had a large white thing covering her entire eye. Not cloudy, solid white. It was behind the 3rd eyelid. I continued the cipro drops but it just stayed the same. So tonight I decided to see if I could touch it. It almost popped out by itself. It is 1/2" long, 5/16" wide, 3/16" tall chunk of what I assume to be staph. I just wanted to post this in case someone else runs across this and cant find any info because I couldn't. Pictures of my 8 month old hen with it in her eye, me holding her eye open (but chunk hiding behind 3rd eyelid and the chunk removed.


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Great job on getting the solid pus out of the eye. Does her eye look fairly normal, or is it still swollen? Has she had any signs of a sinus infection, or do you think that she was pecked or got something stuck in her eye? Thanks for posting such helpful pictures.
No other symptoms other than eye was swollen bellow a bit. No sinus issues. Eye is very cloudy now and I believe she is blind in that eye. I'll post pics of her eye tomorrow. She is keeping the eye open now.
Here is her eye 5 days later. I've moved her from a large cage to a small pen with just her sister and a bantam. She clearly is blind in this eye and the other hens bothered her in the large run.


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Hopefully, you will be able to get her back into the flock with some slow reintroduction. Is she able to see well enough in the other eye to get enough to eat and drink? I hope that she gets along okay. I would probably still use some eye ointment in her eye while it is still irritated.

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