Hen won't leave the tree to eat or drink.


7 Years
Mar 18, 2016
Question, my chickens are free range as in they stay in the yard. Our rooster gets them up in the trees to roost. We have snow on the ground and it's cold and one of my hens will not come down to eat or drink, she stays up in the trees. My daughter finally got her out of the tree after 2 days and she did eat, I think, then when it was bedtime back up again and won't come down. She has lost some feathers so I don't know if she's starting to molt, which I understand they need extra protein. I'm just surprised that they roost in the trees, snow, wind or rain when we have two barns. There's enough snow that the other hens and rooster are staying on the porch and the others are staying in the barn and don't come out (smart ones I think). I don't know what to do!
I think the best option in that case is to get her out of the tree agian but this time catch her and put her in one of the barns that way she does not get hypothermic, lethargic, and eventually die. Hens can be extremely stubborn and I have heard a few time of it ending in the death of a chicken so you want to make sure you get her in to eat and drink
I think I will have my daughter knock her off the tree, they don't like her and then I'm not the bad one. Won't be able to catch her, they just showed up one day and decided not to leave, that's why I don't have a coop. My husband just doesn't understand and thinks I should leave her alone but I worry about all of them! I've lost 2 from coyote's and one from a Cooper Hawk so I'm extra protective of them. Thanks!

If you can close her up in the barn with the others (maybe even close her up in there for a few days), that might help her figure out where she should be. In addition to the weather, she's much more at risk of a predator attack being outside overnight.

Good luck to you!
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