Hens Won't Eat Boss


11 Years
Mar 10, 2008
Orlando, FL
I don't think they realize the black oil sunflower seeds are edible- they just look at them like they're carcinogenic or something. How are they going to learn to eat them?
I threw them on the ground in the run, about a handful yesterday and again today. They just looked at them, looked at me, and went to the other end of the run. Very odd for chow hounds like these ladies.
I just got that… Eggzile or Utah- Guess I really AM slow!

Which part of Utah?
It often helps to mix it in with some scratch. Then it's associated with food. It still may take a little time. Usually what they do then is eat all the other parts of the scratch and look at the boss for a long time, before they get desperate enough to try it. It's always harder when they don't have other chickens to copy and you aren't eating it in front of them, to show them that it's food.

Or, you can smash a few with a hammer, so they can get at the inside part. Of course, then they'd want you to do it every day!

Wow, that Handsome sounds like a real keeper. What lucky hens you have!

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