Hens wont lay!!!!


In the Brooder
12 Years
Apr 22, 2007
Well im not sure I have the pen ok or not but they wont lay a single egg in over a cpl of months now...
I am new to this I dont know what moult is, they are about 10 months old, they are all healthy 3 hens and a rooster the feed is some kind of laying feed if you need actual name ill look not sure of the types I can get you a picture if it would help also
No there not losing any feathers it is Spring here there combs seem to be ok
Could they be stressed? Have you made any signifigant changes in their housing, feed, flock numbers...anything? Do you supply them any extra calcium (oyster shell)? I'm stumped.
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What breed are your birds? Do you provide grit and oyster shell for them and do you give them anything other than Laying Mash? Treats? Veggies?
You mention their pen, is it a run with a coop and do you provide nesting boxes with straw?
Well after looking at all the coops I think my problem may possibly be that I dont have nesting boxes like the ones in your coops. As far as the breeds im not sure on my next day off im going to work on there coop a little bit as far as the nesting boxes and ill take a couple pics of them too post on here..What kind of veegies do they like and treats??
Just a couple of odd thoughts here...

Do your chickens free range at all? Could they be laying their eggs somewhere else?

Could one of your chickens be eating the eggs?

I had thought that if you didn't provide a place for a nest, they would make their own.. I didn't realize they could just, well.. 'hold it'!

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Since they're so young, I think if they were holding the eggs you'd be looking at much bigger health problems. I could be some kind of hormonal imbalance, but I wouldn't think it would be all of your birds. I'm guessing they're keeping them someplace you haven't found yet, or eating them. Keep an eye on them for a day (If you can. I work, have one hen who doesn't lay, and can't figure out who it is. I think she's afraid I'll stick her in a pot.) and see if you can spot what's happening. Good luck.


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