Here's one way to move your chickens...

Really cute! Thanks!

p.s. One lady in Michigan was transporting roosters. Her car rolled and one rooster got loose and went into a swamp. So I guess just to be safe, putting them in something would be best! I use a dog carrier! A feed sack or large paper bag would work too!
I can't figure out how she got 40 chickens to happily load up. My chickens follow me but I can't imagine how I would get them to hop in my Subaru and stay there until all were loaded and the doors were shut. How would a person do this?
I can't figure out how she got 40 chickens to happily load up. My chickens follow me but I can't imagine how I would get them to hop in my Subaru and stay there until all were loaded and the doors were shut. How would a person do this?

Scratch? Our chickens are always fascinated by our vehicles. They love to go around and peck at the wheel wells and lay underneath them. They'll hop inside if you leave a back hatch or door open too long when they're around. They're always curious about everything. If I put some hulled sunflower seed inside ours, they'd be inside in a heartbeat! That's the one food they can't resist. That and mealworms, but no way I'd put mealworms in there!
Cute! Bet they got more than a few double-looks while driving down the road.
I have a few gals who like to inspect the inside of our vehicle when the doors are open, but no way do all of them jump in and stay put like this! LOL

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