Heritage Turkey Housing

Most of my pens are netted roofed for my Heritage turkeys. Mainly for predator's but also young birds and some hens will fly over fencing. Especially when hens want to nest and find a secluded spot to hide nest. So all my breeding pens have netted roofs. My main very large fenced pen is not covered and I also have a large pasture for them to use. Mostly keep my older toms that I keep for breeding in large open pen never have trouble with them jumping or flying over fence. Once they know where home is (Food and Water, Safety) that is where they want to be for the most part. I have never clipped wings on any of my birds. Also they don't like to roost in buildings mine have access to a 3 walled building with roosts and they have never used it. My roosts are mostly covered not all. As long as they have cover from wind and plenty of shade they stay outdoors all the time. Never had any luck with my birds going into a coop or building on there own at night unless I make them and I gave up on that along time ago. Only exceptions to this is for poults not feathered out. They go out to open grow outView attachment 2717294View attachment 2717295View attachment 2717298View attachment 2717299View attachment 2717300 pens around 8 weeks old unless they are being raised by mother hens.
You got a spare coop for me? 🥺🥺
My turkeys roost in the rafters of my hay barn which is a tall pole barn for small squares. I do not clip wings because it is a turkey's main means of defense. I've had a turkey hen leap up and fly a quarter mile to escape a predator.

Notice the hen on top of the barn.

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