Hestia and her fellow Greek gods, Rock17’s flock

Hestia is a salmon faverolle bantam with the most fiery temperament of all the chickens I have ever met. Nevertheless, she is my favourite chicken and the reason we got Artemis.

Favourite hobby: waking me up by crowing even though I tell her daily that she is not a rooster.

Favourite saying: bc bc bc bc bcarrr!

Rank: former queen. Now third in command thanks to Artemis’s strategic use of her size and Demeter’s aggression while broody. Seems to have started her own flock which is now more powerful than Demeter and Artemis’s so her position is subject to change.

Namesake: Hestia the greek goddess, goddess of the home and hearth

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Hera is a red silkie and is IMO the prettiest bird in the flock. She is very small for a silkie. Adopted Athena when broody.

Favourite hobby: hunting grubs and insects (and the odd rat).

Favourite saying: brrrr, brrrr.

Rank: once last, now fourth

Namesake: Hera, queen of heaven and goddess of magic. Queen of the gods and wife of zeus.


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Demeter is a paint silkie who once went broody three times in one month. She is the shyest chicken in my flock but turns super aggressive when broody.

Favourite hobby: being broody.

Favourite saying: bicbicbicbicbicbicbaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarc (while broody).

Rank: queen (Artemis is appointed queen when Demeter is broody).

Namesake: Demeter, goddess of grain and the harvest.


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