Hestia and her fellow Greek gods, Rock17’s flock

Artemis the silkie is the second largest bird in the flock. She has been a great layer and mother (only second to Demeter the broody monster).

Favourite hobby: eating and drinking then eating some more

Favourite saying: bububububacar!

Rank: second to Demeter. Once queen. She ruled with tyranny when she was a queen so the flock has benefited from her fall of power.

Namesake: Artemis, goddess of the hunt, the moon, wild animals and maidens.


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Athena is a pekin (her colour is unknown, I think she is millefleur X ginger) with the biggest personality.
She looks a bit like a football on legs.

Favourite hobby: perching and flying (and they said pekins don’t fly).

Favourite saying: mrrrr, mrrrr (softly while perching)

Rank: 7th in precedence

Namesake: Athena, goddess of wisdom, weaving and war fare.


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