Hey Grandpa, What's for Supper? Part 2

Um, if you choke on haggis, you are practically choking on liver! There's liver in there, and lots of other stuff too. Focus on the oatmeal, the chopped apples, and the spices and you can manage! I do! Just a "no thank you" size portion, but I get it choked down!
Um, if you choke on haggis, you are practically choking on liver! There's liver in there, and lots of other stuff too. Focus on the oatmeal, the chopped apples, and the spices and you can manage! I do! Just a "no thank you" size portion, but I get it choked down!
But there's so many other wonderful things to eat on this planet!
Just why?
Anyone else love the movie Armageddon? the character Max is talking about haggis--I'll probably get the quote wrong but it's something like "Heart, liver, lungs, shove it in the intestines and boil it up. That'll put some hair on your *****"

I've never had a desire to try it, myself.
Yup, haggis, that "Great Chieftain of the Puddin' Race".

Notice the two Margaritas in front of us, and the shot glass which had contained some "good" Scotch Whisky (only true Scottish whisky is spelled without the "e"). The Haggis is paraded in with great fanfare, with pipes and drums and placed on a pedestal of honor. Robert Burn's poem "Ode to the Haggis" is read by a cute little Scotsman with an accent so thick I can only pick out a word or two. Then we use that shot of Scotch Whisky to toast the Haggis before it's cut open and served. When I came back from getting those frozen margaritas from the bar and set them down, my friend Bobi Jo asked me, "What's that? Liquid courage?" Having had haggis before and knowing she hadn't, I just grinned at her. "Nope, Beej, it's mouthwash!"
I would like to go to Scotland and try a good Haggis; not sure I would like it, but I would like to try it once. I'm sure that DH would enjoy the scotch!

We went to a couple of Scotch tastings in Cheyenne. It was really fun - they have a slide show of pictures taken in Scotland, a prepared talk, and some food to go with the Scotch. We got to try 5 different Scotch at each tasting. One of them was a Tour of Scotch - we tried some from each of the 5 regions. I still have my placemat with my notes on the different Scotch's that we tried.

Making Pita bread for breakfasts and lunches this week.
Also making Barbequed Shredded Beef tonight, for tomorrow nights supper. I will make hard rolls tomorrow. I need to come up with a healthy side to go with it though.

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