Hey Guys!


In the Brooder
Feb 19, 2019
Hello everyone! I'm new to this site and hoping to learn more about the ducks I want to raise.

I currently do not own any ducks, but I'm hoping to get some this spring/summer.

For thoughts on the breed/breeds I want, I'm considering the Welsh Harlequin, Buff Orpington, and breeds such as those.

I would be raising these ducks for eggs primarily, so I would apreciate any suggestions concerning what breeds to get, helpful tips, insights about your ducks you've found, and anything like that.

I love the outdoors, animals, music, learning new cultures and languages, singing, and spending time with family. I am a girl. I will not put my specific age but I am in my teens. Some of my passions/hobbies include Homesteading, being self sustainable, Bushcraft, Music, Writing, Reading, Cooking, and things like that.

I live in the Midwest, so I'm looking for ducks that would be both hot and cold hardy. Still planning the duck's coup and run, would apreciate ideas.

I ran into this website looking for more information about Poultry and waterfowl. I have known about it for a little while, but just now decided to join to help others with questions, and for people to hopefully answer my own.

Thank you for any feedback

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