

Welcome to BackYard Chickens! How old is your chicken? It looks like a pullet to me. Sorry for your loss. :hugs Please encourage your son to come back around the chickens and show him how to handle them properly (having him feed them mealworms would be good). You don't want him to be forever afraid to go near them or to despise them later. They might be a good therapy tool for him.

They're at the pullet stage. He likes to spend his time herding them out of places they shouldn't be since we let them run free in the backyard during the day and lock them up at night. Him and my dogs are generally good at keeping an eye on them(two of whom are senior dogs) and run the outdoor cats off if they think they're too close(which doesn't happen often anymore because they think I'm nuts) 😅 Today he followed them around with their food and water so he's not traumatized by it. Which I admit was a concern of mine. He likes feeding them corn grits and I keep a supply of cooked beans, rice, etc.

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