Hi All! I'm a professional poultry nutritionist


In the Brooder
Dec 4, 2023
Hi Everyone!

I'm a professional poultry nutritionist based in the US (BS in Animal Science and MS in Animal Science focused on poultry). My Master's thesis focused on pullets, layers, and broilers growth and production. I can get more specific if there's interest!

I wanted to hop on here because while I currently work "in the industry" (for about 6 years), focusing in pullet and layer nutrition on a weekly basis for a range of feed types (non-GMO, conventional, organic, and have experience in non-traditional ingredients), I've recently been considering striking out on my own and providing nutritional services for backyard flocks like yourselves! My goal is, and has always been, for the happiest, healthiest birds as possible, performing to the best of their abilities, while maintaining fantastic health and happiness.

I've worked with a range of breeds, mostly commercial brown layers, but have experience with backyard flocks and mixed backyard flocks and formulating recipes for those who mix their own feed at home. I have assisted in sourcing ingredients (vitamins, minerals, probiotics). I've worked with turkeys and ducks also.

I'm just dipping my toes in the idea of this but have always enjoyed answering questions about bird behavior and production to the best of my abilities for anyone I meet and de-mistifying questions people may have. Would a service like this sound appealing to anyone?

Please let me know if you have any questions or comments! I'm so excited to talk to you all!
You are very welcome here!!!! I get called on frequently as a resource, and I'm nothing but a hobbeyist who has spent a few weekends reading. We have some other professionals in the business, but their time is much more limited, and I don't think they are eager to repeat their day job for all those asking.

Glad you came and joined - let the floodgates open, and the questions begin! and PLEASE share your sources, so we all can learn. @saysfaa will be interested too.

Feed forum is here - dive in!
Hello and welcome to BYC! :frow Glad you joined.

My fundamental issue with the current nutritional "requirements" for poultry is that most, if not all of it, is based on maximizing production from the bird at a minimal cost without ever taking into consideration the longevity of the bird. And why not? No commercial layer will ever see her first body of new plumage after her first adult molt because she will be killed as soon as she stops laying and starts molting.

I have had high production breeds and will never have them again. They have been genetically engineered to crank out so many eggs a year that it literally kills them. All to maximize profits. I am not interested in that for my flock. I want maximum, quality nutrition to provide maximum life span and quality of life for my flock... eggs be damned.

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