Hi everyone, I'll introduce myself by starting a thread on my coop construction.

here is an update, I had about 2 1/2 hours after work till it got dark and I made the best use of it I could. I got the rafters, roof sheeting and side sheeting on. I have to be out of town for 2 days so this will have to wait until Thursday.

This pic its almost too dark, but you can see the front.

You did that much in a couple of hours?

Wow. You work fast!
really nice work. i like your choice of chicks. i have the same plus a silver laced wyandotte. i have two production reds that i never intended to have. i have a delaware that is a surprise & i like having her.
the only thing i would suggest is make sure your roost is higher than your nest boxes (this comes from the voice of experience - i'm having to re-work my roost) and make the nest boxes inaccessible to the little ones so they don't get used to sleeping in them. explain to them the nest boxes are for big girls who lay eggs (again the voice of experience).
Wow, that looks great. My husband won't do anything when he gets home from work except eat his dinner. You did a great job. Congratulations on building your first coop!
It shouldn't unless its absolutely submerged for a while, We have had it in several rooms in the house for about 6 years and it repels mop water and spills just fine. There shouldn't be large amounts of water spilled on it anyway.
really nice work. i like your choice of chicks. i have the same plus a silver laced wyandotte. i have two production reds that i never intended to have. i have a delaware that is a surprise & i like having her.
the only thing i would suggest is make sure your roost is higher than your nest boxes (this comes from the voice of experience - i'm having to re-work my roost) and make the nest boxes inaccessible to the little ones so they don't get used to sleeping in them. explain to them the nest boxes are for big girls who lay eggs (again the voice of experience).

Thanks, Ya we have Buff orpintons, production reds, australorps, and barred rocks. I will keep the nesting boxes closed off until I see the first egg, and I'm still decided how best to make the roosting area without making it difficult to clean or walk inside.
that's a nice coop ... if I could get one built that fast, I'd be VERY happy, but I haven't even gotten started yet. The under brush in the location that I have will need to be removed first. And there are so many mosquitos! they eat you alive in the heat of the day

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