Hi everyone! It's been one year!!!


8 Years
Nov 7, 2015
Cold & Dark
Hi everyone!!!

It's officially been a year today since I joined BYC. And what a fantastic year it's been!!

I never did "officially" introduce myself and I figure if I don't get it done tonight...well, I think it's time I get it done.

So here it goes...

I grew up with my grandparents on their small farm and that's where my love of animals started. They had cattle, pigs, chickens, and turkeys. We had guineas for a couple of years and geese and ducks for one season. I always had goldfish, budgies and rabbits. I wanted to farm or become a vet. I met my husband when I was still in high school; we've been together for 26 years and haven't looked back. We have one teenage son.

We farm full time; both grain and cattle. I've always been the "on farm" vet to deal with all the nasty/gruesome stuff.
We had chickens when we first got married. We got into Katahdin sheep in '98.
I've done the showing thing and I was on our Canadian sheep board in various positions for 16 years.
I've worked at and did the production records for a hog production facility for half a decade. And I've been a school bus driver for the last decade.

A couple of years ago I had major back issues surface in the fall. I didn't think anything of it at first with all the sitting I was doing while combining. By the time I acknowledged something serious was wrong, I'd lost control and feeling from the knee down in my right leg. It took an entire month before I could sit down with the pain and 5 more months before I could sit and ride in a vehicle. It's taken 4 years to get where I am now, managing the injuries and pain by making major changes in my lifestyle and altering what I do. The doctors have figured out that I've got degenerative changes; diffused bulging disks, spondylolisthesis (one vertebrae is trying to fall off another), advanced stages of osteoarthritis for my age and inflammation from everything causing the spinal stenosis that affects my legs. So I've had to scratch many of the things I once did and change to easier things and lighter loads.
(Cue the chickens)

I started studying nail art. I've found that very rewarding. So far I've kept it as a hobby.

Then last year, I got the idea to get a few chickens for yard candy to just look at. I had no real purpose in mind. Chickens and chicken chores are light enough for me to handle so it's a win-win. We got 14 chickens from a lovely couple. Two weeks in they were predated and we were left with 5 chickens; 2 hens and 3 roosters and dozens of eggs. I stumbled onto videos making incubators on You Tube and decided to make one. By the time the incubator was done the eggs were old...but I managed to hatch 3 of the original eggs and 4 from the two hens that were left.
I was hooked!!

My passion is genetics. I added more chicks and have been hatching all year long. I've leaned to trap.

Here I am a year later "obsessing" over my chickens. (How does the site know so accurately where we're at with our flocks???)

Here's a few pics of a my chickens. (The ones that weren't camera shy...lol!)

BYC is a fantastic place with amazing people! I'm honored to be a part of it.
So its official then -
Glad that you have eventually got round to introducing yourself and thanks for telling us a bit about yourself. Sorry to hear about the medical issues, but if it led to you keeping chickens, then thats some consolation, at least!

Best wishes
Thanks CT! It's nice to "officially" meet you!

I've seen you quite often but I don't believe I've had the pleasure of meeting you.

Yes, I put that off for far too long. I think I may have been intimidated to start a thread. This is my first thread. It wasn't bad at all...lol!
Thanks CT! It's nice to "officially" meet you!

I've seen you quite often but I don't believe I've had the pleasure of meeting you.

Yes, I put that off for far too long. I think I may have been intimidated to start a thread. This is my first thread. It wasn't bad at all...lol!

No, i don't think we have "met". Intimidated - c'mon now - you know that peeps are friendly here. Either way, it was not too shabby for a first thread
Quote: You are very correct...the peeps ARE friendly here. Still, you'd be surprised how easy it is to avoid trying something new.
If something can be flubbed up...I am the one to do it! So yes, even so I was a bit intimidated...lol.
Watch out now though...

It's taken me a whole year to realize there's a cancel button to clear the editor when I've made a mistake with quoting.
All this time I've been either renewing the screen or cutting everything out manually.

Welcome (officially) to Backyard Chickens...:)
Thank you drumstick diva!

We have crossed paths (or at least been on the same thread at the same time...lol!)
I really appreciate your welcome.
Thank you redsox, AustralorpsAU and RodNTN! I really appreciate the warm welcome.

redsox - That's very kind of you to say.

I'm not sure it was so much "ambition"...it was more about making enough money to cover the bills.

I'll admit that I learned a ton of stuff doing all the extra-curricular jobs etc...things I wouldn't have learned otherwise.
I'm very thankful for that.

AustralorpsAU - That's a really good question. Technically, every hen in that picture (with the exception of the little Old English Game bantam hen) is out of my Easter Eggers...brown, red and buff EEs with one white splash and one black EE hen. The first pic of my flock shows all the colors of my base flock...those are most of the original hens in that pic. The two hens behind the black and red rooster; the buff with the green on her back and the white hen on the far side of him are the only EEs that lay brown eggs. Everything else lays blue/green eggs. The second pic is offspring I've hatched from the hens in the first pic. Even the Silkie is from EEs. I do have a "Barred Rock" rooster (which I now believe is actually a Cuckoo Maran) and thought he could be the Dad of a few since he was out for two days during breeding. But the next hatch resulted in the same strange black and blue and "mille fleur" looking chicks and the only rooster breeding was my original EE rooster.

The Silkie I'm not surprised about because both farms had Silkies...but the blue pullets and black barred pullets I have no idea because I don't think either place had anything like them. I thought the blue/black chicks might've been from the grey hen from the first 3 chicks I hatched. But I see the barred pullet lays brown and my grey hen lays green, so that shoots the heck out of that theory.

I'm guessing something coming out of the woodwork from prior generations? These chicks were purchased from backyard breeders, not hatcheries. I'm loving all the interesting chickens I'm getting and I think it's great! It does leave me scratching my head sometimes. I intend to ask for some breed identification help. That'll probably be my second post...lol.

Does she look like an Australorp? I love her color and she's a very lovely pullet. She was hatched Feb 15th.

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