HI everyone!


In the Brooder
12 Years
Apr 10, 2007
Hey everyone my name is ashley im 21 years old and new to the site i just had a question i was wondering if anyone knew where i could buy some fertile Orpington Eggs one of my hens has gone broody but most of her eggs have broke and i want to add more in i don't have enough from the other ones to place under her and i would love to have enough for her to hatch i really hope someone can help this site seems great.

First, welcome to BYC!

As far as fertilized eggs go, check the Sale/Swap/Buy section and also, some members here have mentioned eggbid.com
Ebay used to allow auctions of fertilized eggs, but that is no longer an option now.
Welcome Ash! I have a large flock of buff orpingtons. My favorite of all!

You can click on my site on the left by my user name to check us out. We have excellent fertility at home and lotsa babies. My bators full so eggies are up for grabs.


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