Hi from NH!


11 Years
Jan 10, 2009
Hanover, NH
Hi! I'm Zoë and my family and I don't have any chickens yet, but we might be getting some soon, and we are almost definitely getting ducks. I sure hope so, anyway!

I love animals and my family and I have a lot of pets (five dogs, two hedgehogs and seven -soon to be eight- hamsters). Jack, our sheltie, is our oldest. He just turned 10 on January 6th. Ally is our long haired red dachshund. She really has somewhere between long and short hair and she is small, only 10 pounds. Otto is our big dog. He's a bernese mountain dog, weighs as much as me (~110 lbs) and has one blue eye and one brown. Kaleb is our puppy. He's about six months old and a aussie/border collie mix (black with a white chest and three white paws). Our newest addition is Chutney (Chuck for short), a Papillon mix who is close to 2. She and is only 4 lbs. My hedgehogs are Yoshi and Kiwi, and both very sweet little girls. They hardly get huffy with me anymore, even when I wake them up! Finally, I have seven roborovski dwarf hamsters named Cinnamon, Ceylon, Caramel, Cream, Aspen, Zed and Oakley. I plan to get white-faced robo as soon as I can find one to live with Caramel because he's lonely (robos are social hamsters). He'll be named Waffles II (Waffles I was Caramel's old cagemate who escaped during a power outage and didn't come back).

We are interested in getting chickens mostly for the eggs and ducks (runner ducks) because they're funny and because we might try training our puppy to herd. He has the instinct and really needs to burn off some energy. Also, we have a pond that's just sitting there and could really use some ducks!

Anyway, hi everybody!
Wow, that is quite a family of critters you have there!
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