Hi from Ohio


Aug 19, 2015
Marengo, Ohio
Hi! I'm Kel from Marengo, Ohio. I'm 26. I've wanted chickens my whole life and finally got some this past spring. I've been reading this site and every book I could get my hands on for some time now. I'm still collecting chicken books and magazines for pleasure reading.

I have six chickens currently. I have two black Langshans named Kellen and Tip and a runty lavender Orpington named Scraggy. The other three are a second lavender Orp and two black Orps that are still nameless. Next year I will be getting some splash silkies. I hope to eventually add Polish and Old English banties to my flock.

My interest in the last several years has been raising animals for meat and eggs. Once we get some more land I hope to start raising meat rabbits. I also keep trying to grow my own fruits and vegetables, but I haven't had a lot of luck yet. I'm having great luck with herbs so at least there's that.

We also have many pets. We have dogs, cats, rabbits, reptiles and a trio of rats.

Outside of all that my hobbies include reading, studying anything that catches my interest, going on nature hikes and animals in general. I like to collect various things from cicada shells to books. I also enjoy playing video games.
Nice to meet you Kel,
hope you enjoy Backyard chickens as much as we do.

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