Hi, I am Scott


I would keep the baby chicks away from cats, but once the chickens get older you should be just fine. Mine all hang out
together, and actually the chickens will peck at the cats and flap their wings at the cats if they get them mad

Good luck with the baby!

If you want a dual purpose breed- RIRs are great, just don't get too many roosters!

I had thought about that the only problem is the shelters here are no kill shelters and will not take ferel cats. My only real solution would be to relocate or .......well I will save that idea for a last case situation. I was planning on starting my coop this weekend but since it is only going to be in the mid to high teens outside I belive it may wait another week.
Having just coming in from doing bedcheck on my chickens, and having body parts almost frozen, I believe I would wait until it was a little warmer too.

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