hi - I'm new to the forum


11 Years
Jan 11, 2009
I have a question about food safety when growing and eating "back yard" chickens. We have a small hobby farm, and have raised and "processed" our meat chickens. I also have Maran chickens, because they're interesting and they lay nice deep brown eggs. Every time we eat on of the meat chickens that we raised and buthered, I get the runs. The chickens have been properly butchered and have usually been frozen before eating, so I don't think this is due to bacteria. I am wondering about whether our chickens had worms. Is worming necessary? And if so, what is most commonly used. I have wanted to use Diatamatious Earth, but this is difficult to come by - it seems.
Thanks for any suggestions regarding food safety.
Hi Kathy!

I dont have a specific answer to your question, or what may be giving you your health issue when you eat your own processed chickens, maybe they are just too rich?

I want to Welcome you to BYC though!!

As to the Diatamatious Earth, we found our best source of Food Grade DE to be at our local Feed Store, in a 50# bag....another natural wormer as well is thought to be Pumpkin Seeds, in quantity, chopped and also added to Plain Yogurt...there are several threads on here that include natural worming methods, enjoy, they are very helpful!

Sorry you are having such an issue! It may not be related to worms at all! Never heard of such a thing, and wouldnt the chicken be cooked/killed by the time your meat is to the table anyhow? But oh well, just in case, huh?

Like I said, Welcome to BYC, you will find many helpful members here and valuable resources!


All I can think of is maybe the chicken is under cooked? I've had your symptoms from a BBQ and I got a very thick piece I think was under cooked.
I wondered if you may be cooking it differently than store bought chicken. Adding anything extra or marinading differently.

Does anyone else get sick?
Hi and Welcome from TN!

I'm not sure where you are located but check out the Food Grade DE page I've put together when you get a chance. Towards the bottom of the page is a list of places you can buy DE, either locally or on-line.

I bought mine on-line the first time, did more research and was able to find it somewhat locally for less than half the price I paid for it the first time.

I can't be of any help either with your processed meat problem so you may want to ask that question at the Meat Birds ETC section, where I'm sure you'll get many replies.

Hope this helps and again, Welcome!


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