Hi, Newbie


In the Brooder
Mar 20, 2024
This is my new member intro tread. I’m new to raising chickens. I have 1 Australorp, 1 Easter Egg and 2 Ideal 236. I did have 5 chicks but 1 Easter Egg turned out to be a rooster so I sold it back. I live in the Arizona desert so my challenge is to keep them cool in the summer. I’m building my coop and have access to wood chips for my ground. I live in an urban area with orange trees in the neighborhood so I don’t want to attract roof rats. I’m using 19 gauge 1/2 “ wire mesh all around my coop with pavers on the floor of the coop spaced with 1/4” spacing for drainage. I’ll attach corregated panels for the top and 4 feet on the sides to shade with 1 open side. 2 feet from the bottom will just be open mesh. I’ll cover them up when it rains. Goal is to keep everything dry. So far so good.
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Hello and welcome to BYC! :frow

With our arid air here in the southwest, one trick I've learned on really hot days is to lightly wet down the run floor and turn on a big turbo fan to run across the floor. The evaporation can cool the air by 10 degrees and the birds love the fan. They will all line up in front of it, feathers blowing! Definitely stop by your state thread for help from your neighbors... https://www.backyardchickens.com/threads/arizona-chickens.31227/

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