*Hidden Nature* A Shapeshifting RP

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Aaran took it in awe,"I-I don't know what to say." He stammered, marveling at its craftsmanship,"It's beautiful. He gently took it from Thorn's hands. "It was fun to fix your sword. I mean, I haven't purposefully done something like that in a while." He noted softly.
Taylor thought for a minute,"Daffodil yellow. I don't like mustard yellow though, it's too gross-looking." She said very seriously,"Okay... What's your favorite kind of music?"

Thorn laughed mildly. "You mean you like me punching you in the face?" He asked curiously.
Nashton frowned in thought. "There's so many difference kinds of stuff I like music wise. Classic rock, pop,R&B and country. Let's just say I listen to music from Foreigner to Fall out boys, with a little Tim McGraw thrown in. I'm very diverse in that department. I like a lot of different types of music.
Calystia took her next move slowly, stopping for a moment to bite her lip as she thought.
Idris wasn't able to block him as she hadn't seen the move coming. The back of her head slammed against the hard floor when she fell. For the first few seconds she just laid their recovering from the blow to her head.
Amar thought for a moment. "Something simple yet elegant?" She asked wondering what she might have that was like that.

:)lol: I didn't know what to say. )
Raymer got up while she thought and poured them some tea. He got some ice from the cooler and brought them over.
Zackary just stared at her in cool detachment. He wasn't going to let his boss down again. That tussle was just a little too close.
Dyrte nodded and looked through the oils and salts. Deciding on a scent, she poured it into the water and mixed it with her hand. "I hope my choice, pleases you, Princess. " She said softly.
:)lol: I didn't know what to say. )
Raymer got up while she thought and poured them some tea. He got some ice from the cooler and brought them over.
Zackary just stared at her in cool detachment. He wasn't going to let his boss down again. That tussle was just a little too close.
Dyrte nodded and looked through the oils and salts. Deciding on a scent, she poured it into the water and mixed it with her hand. "I hope my choice, pleases you, Princess. " She said softly.

(About what? Whether Markus will hunt down Idris, or just ring with Raymer and Calystia? LOL
"Thank you," Calystia said pleasantly after she finished moving her chess piece.
Idris pushed herself to get back up, keeping her eyes on Zackary as she decided what to do next.
"I'm sure it will." Amar smiled reassuringly.
(About what? Whether Markus will hunt down Idris, or just ring with Raymer and Calystia? LOL
"Thank you," Calystia said pleasantly after she finished moving her chess piece.
Idris pushed herself to get back up, keeping her eyes on Zackary as she decided what to do next.
"I'm sure it will." Amar smiled reassuringly.

( I haven't had time to delve into the Markus Avenue yet. Well just say that he's still contending with the Menagerie fall out and their failure in tracking the escapees. He's real motivated by his anger. So when he does come after the captain, he's not going to be in a very good mood. :p )
Raymer sat down and looked at the board. After a moment, he moved again. "So, what is your favorite pass time?" He asked aimlessly.
Zackary got is tranquilizer gun. He could tell she was cooking something up. He wanted to be ready for her next attack.
Dyrte smiled happily and went to assist Amar with undressing and getting into the bath.
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( I haven't had time to delve into the Markus Avenue yet. Well just say that he's still contending with the Menagerie fall out and their failure in tracking the escapees. He's real motivated by his anger. So when he does come after the captain, he's not going to be in a very good mood. :p )
Raymer sat down and looked at the board. After a moment, he moved again. "So, what is your favorite pass time?" He asked aimlessly.
Zackary got is tranquilizer gun. He could tell she was cooking something up. He wanted to be ready for her next attack.
Dyrte smiled happily and went to assist Amar with undressing and getting into the bath.

(Ok, that works.)
"I love to swim, and explore oceans depths that haven't been explored yet." She said, feeling exhilarated at the thought of the ocean.
Idris stood were she was when the captain knocked on the door. "Let me in Zackary, I want to run some tests on Idris before it gets to late." Idris felt anxious at his words, fearful of what they might do to her.
Amar slipped into the bath and sighed in freshmen of the warm water.
Aurelius smiled nicely at him. "Oh, well I wouldn't want that. I'm sorry if I'm unaccustomed to certain humor. I do my best to understand the subtle differences. But it seems I fall short sometimes. " She said softly.
Keldwyn eyes got large. "Ooooh, that an awesome idea. I bet they would get caught good. Or maybe put that wallet on there. " She suggested off handedly.

"It's okay. I doubt Markus was ever very humorous." Rio said simply. "Also, don't feel like you have to apologize for something so simple. It's not like it offends me." Rio said and grinned.


"We'd be famous, the first marine creatures to ever fish for humans. What would it be called? Catching fish is called fishing, what if you're catching humans?"
Sirène asked. The topic was pretty funny to her, but leading a human into the water this way would maybe work if the human was "dull."
Aaran took it in awe,"I-I don't know what to say." He stammered, marveling at its craftsmanship,"It's beautiful. He gently took it from Thorn's hands. "It was fun to fix your sword. I mean, I haven't purposefully done something like that in a while." He noted softly.
Taylor thought for a minute,"Daffodil yellow. I don't like mustard yellow though, it's too gross-looking." She said very seriously,"Okay... What's your favorite kind of music?"

Thorn laughed mildly. "You mean you like me punching you in the face?" He asked curiously.
Nashton frowned in thought. "There's so many difference kinds of stuff I like music wise. Classic rock, pop,R&B and country. Let's just say I listen to music from Foreigner to Fall out boys, with a little Tim McGraw thrown in. I'm very diverse in that department. I like a lot of different types of music.
Aaran laughed,"Not especially, but the fastest way for me to have a power surge is pain. I did what I had to do. Truthfully that's the fastest anyone has made me surge without a gun, a tazer, or a body in shards scattered around my feet." He shuddered,"But I like the thrill of the surge. It's not really like anything I can describe... It's when I have the least control and my powers just do what they want."
"I agree with you except with country. I can't stand most country music. Some country songs I'm okay with but most of them are just really repetitive. Otherwise I love memorizing song's names, artist who wrote it, sometimes the album, and the lyrics. It's not that hard, really. My voice isn't terrible either." She didn't really like complimenting herself, but it felt okay to say something like that around Nashton. "Okay, I think it's your turn."
"We can put them in the Tree. They'll be safe there." Bellatrix said. She whistled loudly and it echoed through the forest. After a few seconds there was the noise of wings flapping and a sirin landed in front of Danika and Bellatrix. The sirin bowed and looked at Bellatrix, "Take these swords to the Tree." Bellatrix ordered and gave her sword to the sirin. The sirin patiently waited for Danika to give her the other sword.
Danika looked tot he other sirin then handed over her sheathed blade to her before going to Bellatrix' side again

Falkirk smiled weakly at Star and patted her hand tenderly. As he watched her shiver, he wished he could have saved her from that ordeal. But it had happened so sudden, that even Ender was powerless to stop it. "You're safe now. We would take anymore chances with your safety. I'm sorry you had to endure that, Princess Star." He said with conviction
Zypher smiled at Anna, before digging into the bag for the surgical tools for Ashton and the chip detecting devices. He then handed one to Jason and then turned his on to start scanning Anna.

Raine shrugged and said, "I'll help anyway I. So what is that thing over there?" He asked, pointing at the void.
Graydon look ahead at the towering skyscrapers in the distance. It looked like a skeleton in a way. "What do you think it's like? The city, I mean." He asked quietly.
"You don't have to be sorry, as you said, it was too fast to avoid it" Star said and returned his smile "We just have to be extra careful until he's caught and stopped"
Anna held still for him to search her for the tracker she was sure was on her or rather in her.

Jason took the scanner and looked to Ashton, motioning her over to his side then grabbing a marker so he could mark where he found any so she could then remove them for the others. "That is a fey portal to the void. It is an inbetween place they use to get from place to place and realm to realm. Only fey can open or close them"
"I hope it's nice, though it is scary to think of all the things and all the humans. What they take to the forest before it was gone was bad enough" Kyra said and sighed.
(Ok, that works.)
"I love to swim, and explore oceans depths that haven't been explored yet." She said, feeling exhilarated at the thought of the ocean.
Idris stood were she was when the captain knocked on the door. "Let me in Zackary, I want to run some tests on Idris before it gets to late." Idris felt anxious at his words, fearful of what they might do to her.
Amar slipped into the bath and sighed in freshmen of the warm water.

Raymer listened to her enthusiasm. "So what was the best place you ever explored? " He asked further.
Zackary reached back and unlocked the door and stepped to the side to allow him room to enter. "Sorry, I wasn't talking any chances. " He said in way of an explanation.
Dyrte got the large sponge and started bathing her quietly.

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