*Hidden Nature* A Shapeshifting RP

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Fay smiled and nodded, "That sounds good. I wish you and your young all the best"
Phoebe dipped her head with gratitude and respect, then turned to fix the nest up. She didn't have time to wallow in misery feeling sorry for herself. The next egg would come soon, if not today, it would arrive early tomorrow. Grunting, she lumbered towards the opening of the cave. Peering down the side of the barren mountainside, she saw just a few tough, scraggly shrubs clinging desperately to the ledges, a single weary flower delicately perched on the edge of a bare branch, hinting at life growing hidden among the volcanic wasteland. The rocks took on strange, organic shapes, evidence of previous volcanic activity. The volcano itself nearly plunged into the sea, an island unto itself, a thin band of coconut and palm trees lined one shore, where a black sandy beach lay in contrast to the tropical ocean. Besides a few nesting birds, there was nothing else to see, but there was a hot spring boiling from the side of the volcano, creating a constant rise of steam as it pooled at the foot of the mountain before winding the short distance to the sea. This is just what she needed. There was no mud here, because of the lack of organic matter, but the black sand would work. Phoebe wound her way down to the beach. She scooped up the wet sand, taking as much as she could gather. She then clamored back up into the boiling hot cave, quickly slapping the sand in a mound not far from the glowing cauldron of lava. The sand dried out very quickly, and became a loose mass. Phoebe used her flame breath to melt the black sand, using her claws to shape the resultant glass into a basin, crudely shaped, but thick walled.
She sat back on her haunches, examining her work. It would do for now.
She felt very hungry, now that the most important thing was completed.


Asclepius threw himself into his work, ignoring the looks he was receiving from many of the others around him. He wasn't sure of how to feel about the situation. He simply had avoided mating calls most of the time. He was too busy. He didn't want the responsibility of raising young. He didn't feel like bringing wyrmlings into the world was a driving factor in his life. But he knew that the others wouldn't see it that way. Most other dragon societies took life mates. They might misunderstand. He sighed, feeling a twinge of guilt. Why should I feel guilty? He thought. I didn't do anything actually wrong.
(Yeah sounds good. But don't the alphas want to watch the explosion? Jason and Anna both need to push the buttons. :) for a bit of closure at least. )
Aeval smiled at Aurora's plan. She just hoped it worked.
(My auto correct keeps changing Aeval to Avalon. Lol! )
(we can say they did, lol)
Anna and Jason had waited for the 'all clear' before they stepped out at the first meeting point, looking towards the mountain as they pressed the detonators to blow the menagerie up.

Later, they met with the others in Jackie's realm, taking advantage of it's hidden nature for a safe place to keep the new ones and to talk to one another.

Aurora worked on the lock, trying to pick it to free Aeval from it.
Phoebe dipped her head with gratitude and respect, then turned to fix the nest up. She didn't have time to wallow in misery feeling sorry for herself. The next egg would come soon, if not today, it would arrive early tomorrow. Grunting, she lumbered towards the opening of the cave. Peering down the side of the barren mountainside, she saw just a few tough, scraggly shrubs clinging desperately to the ledges, a single weary flower delicately perched on the edge of a bare branch, hinting at life growing hidden among the volcanic wasteland. The rocks took on strange, organic shapes, evidence of previous volcanic activity. The volcano itself nearly plunged into the sea, an island unto itself, a thin band of coconut and palm trees lined one shore, where a black sandy beach lay in contrast to the tropical ocean. Besides a few nesting birds, there was nothing else to see, but there was a hot spring boiling from the side of the volcano, creating a constant rise of steam as it pooled at the foot of the mountain before winding the short distance to the sea. This is just what she needed. There was no mud here, because of the lack of organic matter, but the black sand would work. Phoebe wound her way down to the beach. She scooped up the wet sand, taking as much as she could gather. She then clamored back up into the boiling hot cave, quickly slapping the sand in a mound not far from the glowing cauldron of lava. The sand dried out very quickly, and became a loose mass. Phoebe used her flame breath to melt the black sand, using her claws to shape the resultant glass into a basin, crudely shaped, but thick walled.
She sat back on her haunches, examining her work. It would do for now.
She felt very hungry, now that the most important thing was completed.


Asclepius threw himself into his work, ignoring the looks he was receiving from many of the others around him. He wasn't sure of how to feel about the situation. He simply had avoided mating calls most of the time. He was too busy. He didn't want the responsibility of raising young. He didn't feel like bringing wyrmlings into the world was a driving factor in his life. But he knew that the others wouldn't see it that way. Most other dragon societies took life mates. They might misunderstand. He sighed, feeling a twinge of guilt. Why should I feel guilty? He thought. I didn't do anything actually wrong.
Fay didn't want to interfere with the mother dragon, though she had vanished for a minute or two then returned with a pile of gemstones so she wouldn't have to hunt for food just yet.
Fay didn't want to interfere with the mother dragon, though she had vanished for a minute or two then returned with a pile of gemstones so she wouldn't have to hunt for food just yet.
Phoebe quickly found the pile of gemstones, gobbling them up voraciously. She was definitely not used to exerting herself, and the eggs demanded nutrition. "Thank you," she whispered hoarsely, her hormones affecting her emotions. She started crying, feeling overwhelmed, yet feeling grateful towards they who had saved her. She knew it was silly to cry, but she did it anyway. Phoebe didn't want anyone to see, because She was embarrassed. She turned away from Fay.
Phoebe quickly found the pile of gemstones, gobbling them up voraciously. She was definitely not used to exerting herself, and the eggs demanded nutrition. "Thank you," she whispered hoarsely, her hormones affecting her emotions. She started crying, feeling overwhelmed, yet feeling grateful towards they who had saved her. She knew it was silly to cry, but she did it anyway. Phoebe didn't want anyone to see, because She was embarrassed. She turned away from Fay.
Fay watched the dragon then turned to look out over the water and give her privacy to regain her emotions. "You are very welcome" She said gently.
Fay watched the dragon then turned to look out over the water and give her privacy to regain her emotions. "You are very welcome" She said gently.
Phoebe let her cry run its course, her raw emotions flowing like an open wound. The emotional turmoil she felt and the confliction with the eggs weighed upon her heart. She had been treated like a common beast of burden, only worse; At least a breeding animal isn't kept drugged and chained. She would take some time to come to terms with her imprisonment. Her guilt regarding the eggs was what really bothered her. It wasn't the fault of the young that they had been conceived. They had not asked to be alive, they simply we're. They were completely innocent, and she hated herself for feeling such internal loathing towards her own wyrmlings. She bitterly wondered what the paternal lineage was, but she never actually saw another dragon at that place. She remembered only jumbled bits and pieces anyways, so who knew? Snorting, she felt the relief that comes after a good cry. Even though she was embarrassed about crying in front of someone, there was no denying that one felt better afterwards during times of emotional distress. She felt a sort of quiet settle over herself. Phoebe returned to Fay, then lay her massive head down next to Fay. She sighed heavily, a slight quiver lingered in her voice. "Could you... Um.. could you please pet me?" Phoebe timidly asked. She sought Fay's comforting touch.
Phoebe let her cry run its course, her raw emotions flowing like an open wound. The emotional turmoil she felt and the confliction with the eggs weighed upon her heart. She had been treated like a common beast of burden, only worse; At least a breeding animal isn't kept drugged and chained. She would take some time to come to terms with her imprisonment. Her guilt regarding the eggs was what really bothered her. It wasn't the fault of the young that they had been conceived. They had not asked to be alive, they simply we're. They were completely innocent, and she hated herself for feeling such internal loathing towards her own wyrmlings. She bitterly wondered what the paternal lineage was, but she never actually saw another dragon at that place. She remembered only jumbled bits and pieces anyways, so who knew? Snorting, she felt the relief that comes after a good cry. Even though she was embarrassed about crying in front of someone, there was no denying that one felt better afterwards during times of emotional distress. She felt a sort of quiet settle over herself. Phoebe returned to Fay, then lay her massive head down next to Fay. She sighed heavily, a slight quiver lingered in her voice. "Could you... Um.. could you please pet me?" Phoebe timidly asked. She sought Fay's comforting touch.
Fay reached over to pet the female dragon, glad she had let herself cry so she could more easily move on from her experiences. Or at least that was the hope. "Even when I leave here, you can call my true name, and I will hear you and try to come" She said gently "I will try to do all I can for you Phoebe." She vowed softly. It upset her so much that the dragoness had been treated in such a way.

(Started working on this today. Needs color and a few details, but it's a golden dragon)
Fay reached over to pet the female dragon, glad she had let herself cry so she could more easily move on from her experiences. Or at least that was the hope. "Even when I leave here, you can call my true name, and I will hear you and try to come" She said gently "I will try to do all I can for you Phoebe." She vowed softly. It upset her so much that the dragoness had been treated in such a way.
Phoebe closed her eyes and leaned just a little into the gentle touch. It was nice to have a shoulder to cry on. She let out a sigh, releasing her fears with deep calming breaths.
Phoebe closed her eyes and leaned just a little into the gentle touch. It was nice to have a shoulder to cry on. She let out a sigh, releasing her fears with deep calming breaths.
Fay continued to pet her as Phoebe calmed. She didn't want to leave the dragoness here alone, though that had been the plan.

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