
Apr 4, 2021
SW Virginia
I'm Mare and my husband and I started raising chickens and ducks last year. We started small with 3 hens and a roo and then added some meat birds as well as more Pekins to go with our duckers (Pekins and Rouen) last summer. We got hooked and have added around 2 dozen new chickens to our flock. Our first girls were White Leghorns and our roo is a Black Asian. He's beautiful but a bit of a turd. We added a Columbian Wyandotte, Sapphire Gem (laying) and have 2 different ages of chicks. We have around a dozen that are 6 weeks or so (Easter Eggers, ISA browns, Dixie Rainbow and Barred Rocks) and 2 week old chicks (Easter Eggers, Barred Rocks, Gold laced Wyandottes and White Leghorns). What's your experiences with the rocks, ISA, Dixies and EE's?
THanks! They seem to like to goof off with the barred rocks when they're out in their run. My girls from last year are white leghorns and a bit bossy.. hoping they can hold their own!
Mine, with the exception of a couple are very outgoing and get along well. Only a couple will sit in my lap but all are talkative and come running when they see me. I know you will enjoy yours.

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