Holding my breath


9 Years
Apr 2, 2013
West Tennessee
about 2 months ago i had my gallbladder removed. witch isnt that big of a deal for me but its what they found on the ct scan is got me worried. All through my belly are i have inflamed lymph nodes. They say that it might be just from my gallbladder being full of stones and inflamed but it could be the start of Non-Hodgkins lymphoma.

Cancer runs in my mothers family. My 19 year old cousin was diagnosed with Hodgkins back in September and it is almost gone so i know its a very curable cancer but that doesnt make it any easier. I go for my next ct scan on the 17th. Please keep me in your thoughts and prayers please
Will do!
Hope it is just a bit of inflamation.Check out the http://www.healthy.net site.It had some great cancer info years ago.Some good alternative health options and food tips for preventing cancer,and helping the body heal.Good info on conventional treatments too.

Good health to you!
Oh man! That's enough to drive a person crazy. Fingers crossed they'll do it Friday and the news would be good.

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