Holiday Traditions~Do U Have Any?

I'll stick with Thanksgiving for now since talking about Christmas and my in-laws will get me all worked up before bedtime!

I watch the Macy's parade and can't understand why no one else is interested. Including my young son. Maybe this year????

We save the turkey wish bone to make a wish on when it's dry.

We must serve canned cranberry sauce, the jellied kind, that remains in the shape of the can. No chopping it up. It slurps out into the dish. Mom lays a spoon along side. It hits the table as is.

My brother and I will try to squish our mashed potatoes through our teeth at each other without anyone else catching us. Yup, I'm 45 and he's 41 and we still do this! Oh and our mother catches us every year. Still.

My mother makes a mincemeat pie and offers me a piece. Duh, I'm not going to touch it with a 10 foot pole Mom!

My brother will grab both drum sticks because no one liked them in our family besides him until I got married. Now he grudgingly puts one back so DH can have it.

In DH's family (northern Italian) at the end of the meal they Torrone candies and also dried figs which get stuffed with almonds and then eaten. So far only family members with the Italian blood seem to like these.
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Another Cookies and Milk for Santa here along with the one present Christmas Eve and new jammies.

One tradition that we developed was founded out of (sad to say) divorce. With 7 kids, yours, mine & ours my husband & I started this: The kids go where ever they want to on Christmas Eve but they must pack an over night bag. We leave the front door unlocked and the Tree lights on so that they can come sleep over our house. Then at 8:00 am We have a big breakfast, open presents, nibble on treats untill they have to leave for Christmas dinner with other relatives. My husband & I then go visit our grandparents who are in their 90's and who ever wants to show up there is welcome the only requirment is to bring food.

This works well because most of our kids are adults and can drive.
I collect nativities. I have 17 and add a new one each year. I couldn't care less if a tree gets put up, but all my nativities will be on display. I'm not christian, so I guess that makes me weird.
I have agreed to the christmas tree this year because of the GS. I am going to start a tradition this year that we put a train under the tree with an engine and 2 cars for his age; adding a new car to it each year.
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When we were younger, either on Thanksgiving afternoon, or the day after, my mom, dad, sister and I would all go to the Christmas Tree farm in South Louisiana. It was always a tradition that we'd walk up and down the isle's of trees and when we found one, my dad would cut it down with the saw they gave you when you entered. Then we'd drag it back and they'd shake it out and pack it up.

Sadly, tree farms are hard to find in the concrete jungle we call the DFW MetroMess, but still to this day I HAVE TO HAVE a real tree. I absolutely 100% CANNOT have a fake tree... Its a tradition...
We also do the one present on Christmas Eve and that is new pjs. At our house we leave popcorn and coke for Santa. I tell the kids he is sick of milk and cookies when he gets to Idaho.
We also have a Christmas Eve dinner that is totally junk food, cookies, chex mix, sausage and cheese, and other great stuff. Then we attend the Christmas Eve service at our church and then drive around and look at Christmas lights.

The kids also receivce an ornament each year that usually relates to one of their interest during the year. I figure that way when they move out they will have some for their tree.
We put Scandinavian candlabras(sp?) in the windows, always have a train about the Christmas tree etc. On Christmas Eve we go to my parents big house in the country and I always give out flannel pajamas during opening gifts.
Then Christmas Day, we either have Christmas at my parents or one of my sisters houses. We open gifts but also pass around copies of the "writings". Because each year is one family members turn to be "written" about. Lots of laughter and tears. Last Christmas was my 41 year old sisters turn. I am glad we did because the following month she was killed in a accident.
I'm sorry about your sister . . . that is such a fantastic tradition, and a wonderful way to show others you appreciate them.
i hate the holidays. the only thing that really is a tradition for us is that i cook the thanksgiving meal. mostly to avoid the overcooked turkey that we would get somewhere else. that and we have friends come over that have nowhere else to go for the afternoon.
We have a pretty traditional Thanksgiving, though now that all my family lives far away, we end up at my step mil's house (not much fun), but at least it's family and I don't have to cook!

As for Christmas, we are pretty traditional about that too... chinese food and a movie, the traditional Jewish Christmas

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