Home button on BYC Pages


17 Years
Jan 15, 2007
Kissee Mills, MO
Not sure if my BYC pages are functioning properly after that horrible malware episode. I cleaned out my computer, got rid of my bookmarks and history. What I'm missing is the "HOME" button at the top of the page. I use it regularly and it's nowhere in site. I never use the Index, but if I did, I would have to scroll all the way to the bottom to find new topics. Too much of a hassle cuz I'm lazy...errr in a hurry. If the top banner is kapoot, can a "HOME" button be put on the blue bar at the top???
I was talking about the button that used to appear at the top of every post that said "BYC Home" that took you to the main page at www.backyardchickens.com.

It is no longer at the top of each post - see photo

I like using this button to get to the new activity rather than go through the index. I can still get there if I click on the link at the bottom of the post page, but then it takes me to an index page that has "HOME" on it which I have to click to get the the start page.

See photos:

Bottom of a post where I can click on BYC Home

After clicking on Home, I get this one:

Then, I can finally get to the main page: this one. This is were I like to return after reading a post. The current set up doesn't allow it.

Hope all this makes sense. I love BYC!

WOW, KC, great eyes! I wasn't sure what you meant, but now I totally get it. You mean the navigation links that use to be at the top of the non-homepage / index pages of the forum... use to say:

"BYC Home | Learning Center | Breeds | Coop Designs |BYC Store| Member Pages | Forum FAQ's"

No idea how we lost those when I was making changes the other day. I'll work to get them back! Thanks for pointing that out!!!
Yes, yes yes!! you got it!!!! The only reason I noticed it was because it was missing and I use it all the time. Thanks for your help in getting it back! You are awesome!

I also am having no problems with Firefox now that the dust has settled from the Google incident. Everything is working great.



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