Home made oyster shell - to be or not to be?

Nov 29, 2017
Beautiful Jersey Shore Area
Hi Friends! Gone to the Birds guy here! My family and I eat a lot of oysters.... can I smash up the shells with a hammer and give that to my young ladies? I am wondering about the size and then of course the sharpness or edges of my smashing oysters. Is there any better way to break up the shells so that the ladies can eat them safely? Or should I purchase processed shells from our local grain and feed periodically? Hope everyone is having a bahk-euatiful day. :) Sincerely G2B
Are they laying? If not, OS not indicated. My chief concern might be that there is enough tissue left behind that it would rot, and be a source of bacterial contamination. I also wonder how finely you could break them up. Will they break up if you drive a car over them? In many old timer driveways in Maine, the old folks would dump their clam shells in the driveway. Made a real pretty covering after years of clam feeds! All that mother-of-pearl glinting in the sun! If OS would break up when driven over, that might do the job. Simply dump the shells after rinsing them well, and with a few rains, and some sun shine, you'll have a never ending supply.
Are they laying? If not, OS not indicated. My chief concern might be that there is enough tissue left behind that it would rot, and be a source of bacterial contamination. I also wonder how finely you could break them up. Will they break up if you drive a car over them? In many old timer driveways in Maine, the old folks would dump their clam shells in the driveway. Made a real pretty covering after years of clam feeds! All that mother-of-pearl glinting in the sun! If OS would break up when driven over, that might do the job. Simply dump the shells after rinsing them well, and with a few rains, and some sun shine, you'll have a never ending supply.

Two of my four are laying everyday. My Americauna.... is taking the winter off and I dont know if my Jubilee Orpington even started? They will be a year old this Spring. We live near the ocean and bay. I know exactly what you are talking about with regards to the driveways. :) Some still have the seashell drives here. Thanks for your reply! G2B guy. By the way the oyster shells are cleaned very well....and then left out in the sun ...etc....
I have heard/read of others who do this with no issues whatever. If you're germaphobic, you can put the shells in the oven and bake them for an hour to cook any remaining flesh/bio material, then pound them to crumbs. Although I don't find the cost of a 50# bag of oyster shell all that cost prohibitive. Just me.

As for the sharp edges and such, the acids in the chicken's gut are pretty potent when it comes to dissolving the calcium. If you buy grit for them, it's ground up granite and it doesn't last long either. They eat rocks and such for grit also regardless of sharp edges or not. All depends on the size of the piece I guess. Too big for them, they won't eat it.

By the way, Welcome to BYC. I see you joined not too long ago. Hope you're finding the site insightful or entertaining at the least. ;)
I have heard/read of others who do this with no issues whatever. If you're germaphobic, you can put the shells in the oven and bake them for an hour to cook any remaining flesh/bio material, then pound them to crumbs. Although I don't find the cost of a 50# bag of oyster shell all that cost prohibitive. Just me.

As for the sharp edges and such, the acids in the chicken's gut are pretty potent when it comes to dissolving the calcium. If you buy grit for them, it's ground up granite and it doesn't last long either. They eat rocks and such for grit also regardless of sharp edges or not. All depends on the size of the piece I guess. Too big for them, they won't eat it.

By the way, Welcome to BYC. I see you joined not too long ago. Hope you're finding the site insightful or entertaining at the least. ;)

Thanks for the reply! It isnt a cost factor for me ....but we try not to waste anything ...in our home. Oyster shell is just a treat for my girls.... I do give them grit from the local feed and grain too.
I am proud of and enjoying my "chicken venture" we had a really bad cold spell here in Jersey Shore region with 1.5 ft of snow..... and my efforts with the coop and run.... which do not have any artificial light and heat source ... went very well. No frost bite, and everybody made it. We are enjoying blustery sunny days now...but no deep freeze. My two mutts a Rhode and Leghorn mix, and a Rhode and Bar mix.... are the best! They seem to say to me when I approach: Hey whatta you got!? They lay one egg each everyday. My two purebreeds...the Jubilee Orpington and the Black Americuana.... seem to be saying....Hey stay away!! Fun. So yes I am enjoying the site!!! :)
what you are doing is fine.
don't worry about too large of pieces.
when butchering chickens once, we found a quarter in one of them.
the chickens won't consume all that much oyster. they will pick out the ones they want. after a long time, if there are large pieces left, just go ahead and smash them up or make a new batch..
sharp edges are not an issue

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