Hooked beak


15 Years
Jun 6, 2009
St Pauls, NC
I have this little 1 week old easter egger that I got from TSC.. She is the only one who acts depressed.. She eats and drinks, I've given her electrolytes and honey water.. Pasty butt is not an issue, temp is good with lots of space to get away from the heat, clean water and everyone else is running around like crazy.. She is one of the 2 smallest babies I have (seem to be runts) and the other is doing just fine.. I know there is a chance I could lose her, but what else can I do to give her a fighting chance? Do you think her beak may be the issue? From what I have been reading, I think it may be.. She has been like this since hatch, so it's an abnormality, not anything to do with her naturally trimming it.. Should I trim it a bit to ensure she's able to eat/drink properly?


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I have this little 1 week old easter egger that I got from TSC.. She is the only one who acts depressed.. She eats and drinks, I've given her electrolytes and honey water.. Pasty butt is not an issue, temp is good with lots of space to get away from the heat, clean water and everyone else is running around like crazy.. She is one of the 2 smallest babies I have (seem to be runts) and the other is doing just fine.. I know there is a chance I could lose her, but what else can I do to give her a fighting chance? Do you think her beak may be the issue? From what I have been reading, I think it may be.. She has been like this since hatch, so it's an abnormality, not anything to do with her naturally trimming it.. Should I trim it a bit to ensure she's able to eat/drink properly?
Oh I’m not sure hopefully someone can help! But I just have to say she is adorable!!! @Wyorp Rock
Oh my gosh... I saw this, and THOUGHT your reply was "crowing".. I sat here with my head cocked and this confused look on my face for about 10 seconds, wondering what you meant.. Then I realized that was your status on here and the actual reply was tagging a member... I'm just going to sit here drinking my coffee, because I OBVIOUSLY need it!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Anyway, feel free to laugh at me LOL
Oh my gosh... I saw this, and THOUGHT your reply was "crowing".. I sat here with my head cocked and this confused look on my face for about 10 seconds, wondering what you meant.. Then I realized that was your status on here and the actual reply was tagging a member... I'm just going to sit here drinking my coffee, because I OBVIOUSLY need it!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Anyway, feel free to laugh at me LOL
😂😂😂 that’s pretty funny!!! How’s your chick doing?
Isn't she cute!

No, I wouldn't trim the beak.

She may be having a hard time picking up crumbles, so try offering her a wet mash. Soak a small amount of chick starter in warm water and feed that. About oatmeal consistency of a bit loose/watery. The other chicks can eat this too.

Do you have any Poultry Vitamins or something like Poultry Nutri-Drench on hand? If you do, give her a few drops orally twice a day for a boost.

I don't know what you would call the beak, but it is some type of deformity. Sometimes all that's needed is to get the chick eating, but it's possible that she may have some developmental issues and fails to thrive.

Do the best you can.
I don't know what you would call the beak, but it is some type of deformity. Sometimes all that's needed is to get the chick eating, but it's possible that she may have some developmental issues and fails to thrive.

Unfortunately, I did all I could for her but she didn't make it.. Whenever I got up, went near the room or came home from work, she was the first one I looked for.. She was so much smaller than the rest of them and she wasn't feathering like the others.. She just wasn't thriving at all, and I think the issues went deeper than just her beak.. When I came home from work about 30 min ago, I found her gone.. Unfortunately, we never know why sometimes.. I did look her over after I found her, and her beak was not lined up either.. It was a slight cross beak, so she definitely had issues...

Thanks for all the kind words and suggestions y'all..
Unfortunately, I did all I could for her but she didn't make it.. Whenever I got up, went near the room or came home from work, she was the first one I looked for.. She was so much smaller than the rest of them and she wasn't feathering like the others.. She just wasn't thriving at all, and I think the issues went deeper than just her beak.. When I came home from work about 30 min ago, I found her gone.. Unfortunately, we never know why sometimes.. I did look her over after I found her, and her beak was not lined up either.. It was a slight cross beak, so she definitely had issues...

Thanks for all the kind words and suggestions y'all..
I’m so sorry! Poor little chick

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