Hoping to be a new chicken mommy


In the Brooder
Aug 31, 2016
Hi! I'm new to the wonderful world of backyard chickens and can't wait for the excitement of raising these cute little guys. I have been reading a few books, online articles and talking to friends that have chickens to become as educated as I can. My hope is to start setting up/collecting the essentials before I bring home chicks. I live in Asheville, NC and have been researching which type of chicks I should look for in early spring to bring home and raise as layers, I would greatly appreciate any suggestions. My dream would be to find 3-6 birds I can socialize young and if I'm lucky carefully introduce the birds to my dogs to have one big happy family :)

Welcome! What breed are thinking about getting?
Greetings from Kansas, katies19, and :welcome. Great to have you with us. Here is a great resource for becoming well versed in chicken keeping https://www.backyardchickens.com/atype/1/Learning_Center
It is packed with useful info that will will prepare for the big day and beyond. Additionally, use the BYC search box to track down threads where people have discussed how they socialize their dogs to be around chickens. Best of luck - I bet you can't wait! :celebrate

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