

12 Years
May 10, 2007
i went out this afternoon to give the girls some treats, and i couldnt find my americauna anywhere.
i thought maybe she was hiding out in the coop. but she wasnt there.

so then i figured, okay, she got out. she'll be back to roost tonight.

ive walked the block, called her, everything. no trace of her.
i have no idea what im going to do if anything happened to my girl.

I am so sorry she isn't back yet. I hope you find her soon!

I have been wondering if I missed seeing a post from you about the final hearing results. Any word yet?
Oh, Cheeks..soooo so sorry to hear that, hope you find her soon and she is ok.

I also am wondering about the hearing results as well.

saying a prayer you find your beautiful hen...

I hope she just got spooked. My roo disappeared once and returned two days later after he was chased by a dog. I hope cheeks comes back home!
maybe she'll come back with chicks.

if I were you I would egzamin tha yard very closely cause broody hens find very good hiding spots.

Goood Luck
I thought my little Polish hen was taken by a possum the other night when dh & I couldn't find her anywhere. We have a very bright light and searched and searched. Her pen isn't that big but we found a hole in the top netting and a couple of her feathers on the ground so I knew she was gone. Next morning when I went out there she was pecking around her pen. I have no idea where she had been hiding, but she was back and that's all that mattered. I hope you have the same thing happen to you and your beautiful white girl will be back in the morning.

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