How’s your flock doing?


May 23, 2021
Wasilla, Alaska
If it wasn’t clear by people who have seen me around here, I love sharing about my flock, but I can never find proper places to just share random things, so here’s one. Feel free to share about your flock or even just your day!

Today I went outside to let my chickens out and I found it absolutely adorable how Yves my bunny was laying in their feeding area waiting for them, and then I found out garlic isn’t being too favorited by my rooster but she’s going through a molt when it’s hitting below freezing! And sunny is handling Babushka’s death very well, she’s following me A LOT but she’s very happy and my flock is still in a happy gentle pecking order, I get rid of any hens who try to break the happy medium.
The bath I gave yeti last night resulted in her being very fluffy again too! And last night Reaper went “missing”… I found her wedge between a plank of wood and the wall quietly all because I forgot to put up the ramp so she couldn’t get in(reaper is my half disabled chicken) thankfully she’s fine!
My flock is happy and healthy! Though the cold has gotten them, well, cold. We fixed the pen to where the cold winds cannot reach them on one side, plus the chickens and chicks are all side-by-side so they'll be fine!
That’s good! Cold wind is the worst, we just have low temperatures, 19 right now! Wind hasn’t been too bad thankfully
What a cute thread! Thank you! Everyone is doing good! Raked a ton of leaves from one of the pecan trees Sunday, bagged some but most went into the run and everyone loved it. Temps are cooling here as well, just not as cold as the rest of y'all. 50's day, 30's night.


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What a cute thread! Thank you! Everyone is doing good! Raked a ton of leaves from one of the pecan trees Sunday, bagged some but most went into the run and everyone loved it. Temps are cooling here as well, just not as cold as the rest of y'all. 50's day, 30's night.
I never thought of using leaves, I always use grass or pine needles.
Those white hens are so pretty, I don’t have any but I absolutely love white chickens! My friend has one that I hatched though
My flock seems to be doing fantastic!!! All happy and healthy! They are dealing with the change in weather well. (winter is coming our way temps are in the 30s during the day and we are moving into the teens and 20s at night) We played in straw yesterday lol
That’s great! And that is a gorgeous rooster
I never thought of using leaves, I always use grass or pine needles.
Those white hens are so pretty, I don’t have any but I absolutely love white chickens! My friend has one that I hatched though
They are readily available and free, which is the best part, lol. I use grass clippings and wood chips too (no pine trees on my property or I'd use those too) Thank you! The white ones are my 2 original ladies, Maribel, light brahma and Betty, WTB...

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