How about a Thread for Embdens?

Thank you! I do still have to scoop their poop out of the sand haha. I even bought a cat litter scooper!
Hope it's for a very large cat.
Nothing worse than sinking your toes in the sand and coming up with goose poo on them. lol
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Very true! Haha. Luckily 2 geese are easy to clean up after! And their favorite places are the grassy ones so they really only go in the sand to follow me or swim.
Very true! Haha. Luckily 2 geese are easy to clean up after! And their favorite places are the grassy ones so they really only go in the sand to follow me or swim.
That's good, So no sunbathing for the geese on the sand? that is such a nice place I know you 3 enjoy it alot. Makes me want to bring my 4 over for a swim.
LOL!!! on the scooper. I've been using a kitty scooper for years now to pick up my guineas poop. The poop use to fall thru the spaces, 'cause their poop is kinda small. If you have that problem and a small piece of 1/4" hardware cloth you can put that 1/4" on the top side of the scooper. It really collects a lot more poop. I also attached a long wooden handle to it, saving my back.
Here's a few pictures of my pair. They're almost a year old and the goose laid her first egg on Feb 25. She laid her 2nd one today. Both caght me off guard cause she hid them in a nest box with chicken and duck eggs. First egg is on the left there's already a noticeable size difference. The others are chicken and duck eggs.

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