How about a Thread for Embdens?

moose the gander and goose the goose.
Big difference in egg size Congrats ! and your Embdens are beautiful I have just a gander in this breed but love him to bits even though right now he is really trying my patience trying to be so protective. Your geese like the chickens and ducks? lol
I was given moose when he was 2 months old so I raised him with some ducklings . He's always really calm and quiet. Goose was also given to me by moose's original owner. She ignores the chickens and picked on the ducks whenever food was involved, but since then has also calmed down and is always looking for treats and for me to pet her.
I was given moose when he was 2 months old so I raised him with some ducklings . He's always really calm and quiet. Goose was also given to me by moose's original owner. She ignores the chickens and picked on the ducks whenever food was involved, but since then has also calmed down and is always looking for treats and for me to pet her.
Your truly blessed, my geese do not like the ducks and chickens they only like each other.
Update on my pair. Egg laying is in full swing with 1-2 eggs a day now. My gander turned out to be a goose, and what did I do? I get her another goose. Oh well at least they were freebies.
Update on my pair. Egg laying is in full swing with 1-2 eggs a day now. My gander turned out to be a goose, and what did I do? I get her another goose. Oh well at least they were freebies.
Yay! and more eggs too and you don't have to put up with an obnoxious gander this breeding season.
Nope I don't. But I'm still bound and determined to have goslings one way or another.
Maybe the feed store your females would love to raise some goslings. If you decide to go that route I'd introduce the babies to the girls slowly usually it only takes a week or 2 before they are madly in love might not even take that long. I waited till mine were close to 3 weeks before I gave them to my adults. That way we had them inside so we could love on them some.

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